
I mean she tells everyone she learns this lesson about what she did to Native American people but did she go to Standing Rock? Bernie did. She didn’t. They needed help.

Thanks, Manny.

Tulsi: young 20's before the turn.

Things are volatile, and the window for what may pass may open up a bit.

In your view, does the same logic also apply to Tulsi and her stance on gay marriage?

Cynical take: the DNC would like to splinter *pardon the term* the vote enough to force a contested convention.

I’m seriously trying to get this.

Are you...are you trying to frame this as an ethical consumption issue?

Oh snap. I just linked that one and block quoted a part of it.

Your second paragraph, I spent all day yesterday pontificating about.

Just imagine Lame Duck Pres. Trump acting on every impulse??

Here is a funny article from an Australian reporter who didn’t quite realize the depths of the cognitive and language deficits of the dolt until she covered a full Trump press conference in person.

She is spitting truth.

You are a delight. Thank you for sharing all of these stories. And your Trump loving Texas friend is lucky to have you. And your climate change skeptic sister is lucky to have you.

Yes, I concur strongly on this point.

Fair argument!

Whoa. That’s lacerating.

Okay, brother. Good post, good thoughts.

Yes, I disagree with this premise on four counts: