
It’s a giant bedbug formed when Trump tried to nuke the storm.

That sounds exactly correct.

Whoa. The storm turned into kind of a colorful fat centipede or something.


Imagine my horror—here I was thinking I’d cracked the code to maximizing the caffeine-to-cost-to-ice-bullshit calculus my broken brain runs through on mornings when I buy coffee.

Can someone please memeify this, ala:

Oh, thank goodness. Laughing Dog #2 for the day has just arrived. Thank you, tsg.

Dick humor has its place, Cock.

You seem like a broken human and I am gonna pray for you. May Allah have mercy on your soul and relief you of the hate you hold. Amiin!

We have to bridge our differences and come together as a country. Further...(voice trails off)....excuse me for just one minute please...

Can’t we just re-interpret it a bit?

Now playing

Aaaaandd we now have our first laughing dog of the day....Well done, Swedish Plumber.

Agree, man, agree.

Remember our conversation about Joe Rogan?

I mean, that rhetoric also sounds suspiciously similar to centrist Dems telling Progs to “get in line”, does it not?

I fully concur. It is the same.


I read this as a pretty good illustration of the strange conflict Americans have between “law” and “don’t tread on me”.