We’re digging trenches in the dirt now just so we can lower the bar on human intelligence.
We’re digging trenches in the dirt now just so we can lower the bar on human intelligence.
If there’s anything I’ve learned from wealthy, powerful white men, there’s one thing they cannot stand: public shame.
Routine Maintenance
Good news, Doc Martins still work.
I honestly don’t understand why they are not just more straight forward about it. “We wanted to make it more family friendly, please stop whining. ” They honestly would’ve gained some respect from me.
Hell in today’s climate I would’ve even accepted: “We have developers to feed, that gets harder to do if our game is…
“Girl” in front of anything involving a grown woman irritates me to no end. I own my own business, and I claw my eyes out (only to avoid clawing out theirs) when someone refers to me as a “girl boss.” I’m not here to be infantilized, idiots.
Have you seen the movie yet? Danny DeVito would have been a horrible pick for the movie version of the character. Ryan Reynolds honestly single-handedly saves the entire film with his performance as Pikachu. I know it sounds crazy... and that’s probably because it is. You really have to see it to believe it.
I hear your point, but apparently it’s easier said than done.
It’s easy to not screw up an adaption of something into a film. Its called treating the original source material and designs with respect. It was popular for a reason, so why does Hollywood constantly think it knows better and changes everything up.
I think maybe that was a misunderstanding. Bulbasaur isn’t genderless, but the Pokemon games and animes do usually say “it” instead of gendered pronouns when dealing with Pokemon, especially wild ones. Gendered pronouns are really rarely used for whatever reason when dealing with Pokemon, even on Pokemon that are…
Death to the suit and tie!
I’m all for the inalienable rights of the Constitution, but the free exercise of those rights ends when they infringe upon the inalienable rights of another.
To that end, refusal to vaccinate oneself or one’s offspring infringes upon all three of the majors—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—because disease…
“Mussolini’s brand of Fascism didn’t really have a racial dimension until he started aping Hitler...”
*stares in Ethiopian*
This is what Twitter was made for.
I’d love to play Wall Street Ninja, Industrial spionage, romance, real-time forex trading, rehab programs as saving points. A MA ZING
okami, i have it for ps2, wii, ps3, ps4, and i think pc. think i was in a humble bundle. have not yet purchased it for the switch, but honestly.. next sale probably will. why? didnt have a ps2, bought it for a friend so i coudl play it at their house. never got around to it, so bought and beat it on the wii. ps3 was a…
When I was a young, stupid, and spoiled tween, I wanted a Louis Vuitton bag, because all the other young, stupid, and spoiled tweens I knew had one.
Oh the visuals are amazing! I love it but the song is...eh. I’m hoping that the full opening is alot better.
I... did I just enjoy that trailer? What’s happening!?!
it’s a really unique game in that its flaws are incredibly visible and maybe even significant (depending on the gamer), yet it’s still regarded so highly by so many people. definitely deserves a place in honorable mentions, at least.