The Geek Empress

Thank you, with all those Herd of Zombie bros out there, Wall Street Ninja is already far too underrated.

This article is a complete and utter sham and you should be ashamed of yourself. Overlooking Wall Street Ninja 2, which took what made the first game great, and refined it and expanded the lore, the stakes and the romantic plots is a disgrace.

I contend that Kingdom Hearts is Metal Gear Solid for kids.

I know your pain bro. I constantly get into fights with the drivers on our bus system since I walk with a cane, and I act as the escort for my equally disabled mom, and they constantly try to throw us out of the disabled seating. I even hurt my back really badly because a couple of able bodied d-bags took my seat and

A puppy got loose from its owner and came running on the bus. The driver got all pissed off, grabbed the puppy by the scruff and yanked it into the air with its poor little feet dangling, and screaming in fear, and the driver started yelling about whose dog it was. I yelled at him, grabbed the dog myself and tried to

Kingdom Fucking Hearts. I have every version so far except the 2.5 release for the PS3. That’s everything: all the PS2 games, the PSP version of Birth by Sleep, all the DS/3DS games and event the GBA version of Chain of Memories. I don’t know why I keep doing it to myself, I don’t even do it intentionally. Just...I

While we’re on the subject of Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth Investigations II please. I loved the first one, saddened the second one never got released.

I think part of the reason it jars so badly because it’s not the *whole* opening movie, but what shown so far *drool*

Other dumbs ones are pet related:

Okay, I’m fairly sure you’re just a troll, but this woman climbed the Statue of Liberty as protest to the policy of separating immigrant parents from their children by the government.

I still think The World Ends With You had one of the best endings of all time, as well as Radiant Historia. I bawled like a baby at the end of 358/2 Days, though. Toejam and Earl also had a really fun ending that made all the work worth it.

My biggest issue with Snap was the minimal amount of Pokemon from the original games, not all the 150 species appeared. Now that there are so many species, I really, REALLY want a sequel.

Only practical reason I can think of to remove those paper swing tags is so they don’t snag and rip the garment in question. Those little plastic punch tags can rip stuff if you pull them too hard. And on that note, why the hell do they use them to secure dolls in boxes?! I almost ruined the hood on my Batgirl doll

That’s insidious and brilliant and I would totally buy both.

Yeah, but that Gamecube bonus disk is ALSO super expensive. People tend to act as constant physical rereleases are personally offensive to them. I just want to be able to play games I like on systems I own.

I loved Disney Infinity so. Damn. Much. I’m still heartbroken that they killed it off, and these leaks of what could have been is just another punch in the gut. The figures just got cooler and cooler with each generation.

If it’ll include the Oracles games, I’m sold. I have the original Ages, but I missed Seasons and I feel stupid for not having gotten it when it was out.

I’m a sucker for physical copies, though

I am a big fan of collected editions that have all the games (for better or worse) of a franchise in one place. I don’t know why more publishers don’t do it beyond the HD remake here or there. Nintendo used to be a lot better about this with Mario and Zelda in the past. It makes it easier to try older games you may

Excuse you! Do you know how difficult it is for a crow to find work in Japan besides being a shrine maiden’s assistant?! When you’re that desperate for cash, suddenly swiping a few Yen for the train won’t seem so scandalous. #equalworkforcrows2018