The Geek Empress

Of course, but I have yet to hear a plumber or a surgeon tell me that anyone has asked them to do their job for free because it would mean that random stranger would ‘be their best friend forever.’

People tend to have an unfortunate mindset that creative stuff is of no value. I don’t know when this happened, I don’t know why it happened, but for some reason lots and lots and LOTS of people assume that artists, writers, indy developers, etc are these wealthy people who do these things only as a hobby and are

I can’t remember the name of any kid in my 3rd class. I can’t remember what I had for dinner last week. But I haven’t forgotten this stupid ass commercial.

I’m happy that the games are starting to get to the PSN network but I’d be happier is there was some kind of packaged rerelease like Suikoden 1, 2 and 3, and then a second game that was 4 and 5. For those of us without internet access on their PS3s, hunting down the physical copies of the PS and PS2 games is a long,

It’s about 6m. I am American and am too sick of this antiquated system. It’s always a nightmare when you do product production that has to be manufactured overseas.

I think it’s different when it’s planned out, at least to a degree. Like, in the old days the FF games came on multiple discs because they were so expansive. And a lot of games release themselves chapter by chapter like Walking Dead. If they intend to do a 3 arc storyline it can be done really well.

I personally run up to every dog I see going PUPPY! And you have to understand that my favorite breeds are the ones people think are ‘scary’. So I’m that women who goes up to the guy walking the 3 legged pitbull being on a chain and start squealing like an idiot to the confusion of the owner and any bystanders.

Those are so cute and I heard they actually make really good pets. And who doesn’t want a bun bun big enough to ride into battle?

Gotta tell ya as somebody who makes creative content: If loads of people wanted to go to my funeral because my stupid comics and drawings touched someone’s life in a meaningful way, or simply just because they are sad that the content is ending I’d be pretty damn happy (you know, except for the dead part.)

Okay, thanks for that info. I will remember it!

I’ve heard the 3DS version of VLR has a glitch that can kill the game. How does the glitch happen and does anyone know if it’s fixed in newer printed copies of the game? I really, really, really want to play it, and I don’t have a Vita, but I want to make sure I don’t end up wasting 20 hours playing and have to start

I appreciate that, thank you ^^

Yes and no. My mom was never able to pay off her college loans and I got seriously screwed because there wasn’t any money to send me to anything except a state school. They still bug her about her debts but at least she’s on disablity now because she developed an autoimmune disease so she doesn’t have to worry about

Unfortunately there is no happy end to this story. Because of my mom’s debt and lack of job, I ended up going to a lousy college in order to avoid having to take loans, my mom is still chased by creditors for her college loans and I never dug myself into a good enough financial position before I got hit by an

Thanks. It’s ancient history now, and it affected my life a lot, but life moves on.

It was actually a similar case for me, my parents divorced when I was 9. My dad and his wife pulled all sorts of stuff, and honestly they were constantly badmouthing my mom and trying to bribe me to move in with them.

Judges like her need to be thrown from the bench. I had a magistrate like that for my custody case as a kid. My mom had full custody of me and wanted to move out of state because she couldn’t find work. My dad, being the charmer that he was, refused to allow me out of state (I was 14, going on 15 at the time) and so

This is an awesome way to explain to kids how biology works. Just like Pokemon are classified by types and egg groups, animals are classified by Kingdom, Order, Species, etc. And they evolve too, albeit much, much slower.

I’ve never watched his videos, I don’t really watch a lot of Youtube. But why would you get mad that someone managed to make a career out of something they like to do? I mean, isn’t that everyone’s dream? That instead of dreading every day because you find your job tedious, your boss incompetent and your coworkers

Fallout 4, a video game about a grizzled German Shepherd who learns how to love,