
It would be nice if this article knew what The Game actually is: it’s a revival of the CW football-adjacent comedy(/drama?), not a game show.

You see to think that he is saying “a love for the business a love for working.” is why the writers will cave and come back.

this is an incredibly transphobic rant, and i hope you feel bad for typing all this out on al gore’s internet. 

Huh. On my first day of J-school they told us not to use the Oxford comma. They also taught us - maybe not on the first day - not to repeat a racial slur unless necessary for context. It’s interesting that you avoided using a specific example of a homophobic slur but were completely comfortable dropping a racial slur

I currently live in the UK (and have for the past decade). This country went from being relatively tolerant of trans rights (treating it as a private issue where it was seldom news-worthy) to hostile (trying to close down the one gender clinic and frequently being in the news). And a lot of it had to do with Rowling

Not to mention that they almost certainly used Photoshop or some photo editing software to crop the image, adjust the brightness, contrast, and other aspects of the image.

If they didn’t use Photoshop then you could still see the crane and wires...

It’s a pity because she seems truly delightful, and the fact that both she and her husband are in very popular Trek properties is really cool.

It’s not a grave it’s a well, actually

The people most likely to sign up for long term missions in space are going to be I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE people. The quippy bit though, that’s extra.

Actually he’s from Iowa, he just works in space.

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, the problem with a lot of television, particularly American television, is it goes past its sell-by date.

I may be in the minority on this, but I don’t even think it’s a bad thing to have added context from the shows that makes the movies more meaningful. You don’t have to watch everything, absolutely, but when you know that a character is in an upcoming movie you want to see it’s nice that they can flesh out the back

That said, the scene in The Conversation where Gene Hackman pummels a bunch of guys in an elevator is one for the ages. 

I think part of the flaw in this logic is thinking that the MCU is like other movie franchises. It’s not. It’s like the comic book universe, which is neverending and that’s a good thing. Other franchises die because they replace the stars, or stray too far from the original tone or aesthetic; those aren’t relevant

There really has been much ado about whether things that never bothered comics fans will inevitably be lethal to movie audiences. Given Marvel’s demonstrated ability to shatter conventional notions of the changes you need to make to translate across media, I continue to be unconvinced by the arguments.

Only if Ezra stops doing the scandals.

Cue the TikTok videos of people shattering the door glass by pouring hot water on the door.

I think the problem is WE are the problem.  People seem afraid to see anything that isn’t based on a YA novel, comic, reboot or sequel to something else.