
The fact that he had played a guy named Roger in one of his notable roles was an even better layer to that egg.

Most of the petulant comments about it I’ve seen are from folks who were upset that the tag didn’t have a hook from some upcoming Marvel property. I personally loved it. It captured how I would imagine the Broadway theater community would interpret the Avengers pretty perfectly (although I have to say that my

…a completely ridiculous Avengers musical number that Marvel Studios definitely thinks is funnier than it actually is. (It’s not not funny, to be fair.)

It wasn’t not funny.

You can’t pick and choose who you’re going to make fun of.”


And yet they’ll claim they brought civilization and salvation to the Americas.

So I’m Central American, Salvadoran specifically, and we are a daily shower people. Some, like my uncles that work construction are two shower people one before work, one after. I got the bucket bath (so I wouldn’t waste water) with a rough wash cloth as a little kid, by grandma, on the daily too.

Uncomfortable Racial Metaphor VS. Metaphor for Dropping the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima.

I feel like Black Widow is another strong contender for movie best representative of film in the time of COVID.

Exactly. If the door had opened to someone random our reaction would have been “who’s this idiot supposed to be?”. We wouldn’t have thought it was quicksilver even if the show told us. 

This this this this this. The story has Wanda buying hook, line, and sinker that the face she has never seen before standing in front of her with silver hair is her brother. By meta casting someone who has played a different iteration of the character the show also successfully pulled of the trick of getting the

Casting a third actor would have made Wanda look like an idiot because she would have been fooled but the audience wouldn’t have.

I don’t know what is so hard about this:

* They have the rights to use XCU Pietro/Peter now. Evan Peters was available. Why use some rando when you can actually tap into what is now YOUR library?

* It’s an Easter Egg/wink to people with a sense of humor. It gets some speculation going and we all had fun with theories.


Casting a third person would also have made it immediately clear something was up because IT WASN’T PIETRO!

How was it too clever by half? The whole point was to get the audience in the same headspace as Wanda. Clearly this wasn't her brother...but she (and the audience) wanted it to be.

They deliberately manipulated people with the Peters stuff.

It depends on how close this is set to Spider-Man: Far From Home, which would explain why Nick Fury is MIA.

I don’t think any of the retro-TV jokes are going to connect with him or others not from the USA.

We have gone a full year without any additions to the MCU.  I will take all the WandaVision I can get.

I assume the beekeeper suit was Wanda’s bubble world translating some sort of high-tech hazmat suit into something that makes some sort of sense in the bubble.