Was it MURDERRR?!?! That surprised chipmunk gif would come in handy right now.
Was it MURDERRR?!?! That surprised chipmunk gif would come in handy right now.
The problem with statements like this is they’re inherently discriminatory. We already have laws that protect religious institutions and clergymen. What Republicans want is the right to discriminate, while current law says that if you engage in the public sphere, you have to welcome everyone. An exemption for…
I was with you Evan until you lead with Rachel Dolezal. She gets to decide her race? People who can pass always have gotten to decide their race. That’s not new and you say it like there’s some agency out there that would stop her. She’s irrelevant to the overall situation relating to race lately. She’s had so many…
As with anything else, it depends. Former IRS employee here. On some business losses, the IRS won’t tax you, but you still spent the money and Uncle Sam doesn’t auto-cover your loses. Business can get tax beaks for certain types of losses up to a certain percentage, but there are 800 exceptions to those.
That’s why they’re all dead! It was the heat!
So what! Defensive break dancing is allowed in MMA.
Damn. This is like comic-level villainy. Apparently, Qatar is Doctor Doom and FIFA is Norman Osborn/Lex Luthor.
And yet, a certain group of people are being killed with alarming frequency while others aren’t. As the article says, “cut the shit.” Maybe The pearl clutching “all lives matter” folks would feel better if you read between the lines of “black live matter” to the actual statement being made, “black lives matter too.”
Will it be Midnight Club open world or Need for Speed “open world?” Will the driving be arcade style or closer to the horrid Gran Tursimo? Also, EA is making this game. They’re bound to cut corners somehow. I’m already in doubt.
This is horrible, but in what universe is it appropriate to practice full medical examinations on students? And in what universe would students allow themselves to be subjected to it?
I’m not giving Raven the benefit of the doubt. I can only go what she said especially versus what Kanye, Pharrell, and Common said. Eddie Murphy also said something similarly “new blackish” in the 90’s about how he was called a nigger by someone on the street and he laughed because there was no way that kind of racism…
Yes, she says the part about “colorless,” but she also says “I know I’m black” in that interview. We already know how she hates labels (refusing to call herself lesbian or bi for one thing), but black people have been hating on “African-American” for a long time. It’s why “negro” was still an option on the census…
Problem is she never said she wasn’t black. She said she wasn’t African American. Rebuking that term is not foreign in the black community, so I don’t get what the problem is.
Raven only said she’s not African-American. She never said she wasn’t black. She specifically said “I know I’m black, but I’m a black American.” “African-American” is a loaded term with a lot of issues. Numerous black people refuse to accept or use it. It’s a bit of a leap to say that means she doesn’t care about the…
As the other commenter says, I thought it was more related to these women and the atmosphere there. It was at the US Labor Dept.
My worst interview? There was a panel of about 8 middle-aged women. Everything was initially very friendly. I was charismatic, making them laugh, explaining my experience. Then, out of nowhere, they ask me do I have problem with women. I froze. I wanted to say “what kind of question is that? This isn’t Mad Men or the…
In the area where I live, houses are ridiculously expensive. However, condos are relatively cheap and plentiful. But, they are also harder for resale than a house and condos here are cheaper than rent generally (it’s at least 1400 per month to get a decent place). I don’t want to be stuck in a condo until I’m 90 and I…
Hopefully, no time traveling slaves are in this one.
That actually sounds like a racial discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen.