This was recent.
This was recent.
Any person who doesn’t recognize Chappelle as one of the funniest human beings literally ever is quite beyond help. Understanding his subversive, brilliant humor requires a keen intelligence, and a keen intelligence requires a curious mind and significant effort.
I laugh because they act like the video game industry is the only one that does crunches. I’m a software engineer and have racked up god only knows how many hours of unpaid overtime (it’s called a salary, people!).
The other day I saw gravity at Barnes & Noble looking for a book on Simone Biles.
A lot of times when I see a person who’s much shorter than me, I think, “I wonder how many of that person I could take on in a fight and hold my own.” This is usually something I think about at my 6-year old’s soccer games.
...And I agree? I’m not defending Khabib’s or his entourages actions here. Also let’s not pretend what Conor did was only words or the levels he went to was just normal pre-fight trashtalk and thus okay.
Conor threw a dolly at a bus that got glass in the eye of Ray Borg, injured Michael Chiesa, and continues to traumatize Rose Namajunas. “He didn’t deserve to get jumped and attacked after the fight was over”? I mean, it seems like he absolutely deserves that kind of treatment.
They literally used the bus incident to promote this fight. They encouraged escalation on a personal level and outside the octagon every step of the way. They reap what they sow.
To be clear, to those with no experience of Khabib before this, this is not how he normally acts after fights. He is usually incredibly chill after them, so this is pretty clearly due to the escalation during the fight promotion and McGregor’s type of trash talk finally reaching a logical conclusion. I mean Khabib and…
Fox News pioneered the contemporary Outrage! cycle; the progressives took it to new media and are having more success in weaponizing it, because their core demo isn’t 150 years old.
The man plays with Blake Bortles, so he knows trash when he sees it.
I don’t understand all the media types (except for the Stephen A’s and Skip’s and their ilk) who shit on Kawhi for sitting the fuck out. If he didn’t feel healthy, and then felt rushed, and then lost trust in the Spurs, then that’s how he felt. Given how many NBA’ers we’ve seen who were rushed back from injury and how…
To be fair, there ARE very fine purchasers of athletic footwear on both sides, both sides.
You freakin’ Socialist Deadspin bloggers, always calling for a Nationals Health Care system. Pathetic.
I doubt Kobe had anything to do with it. He hasn’t been anywhere near the paint in years.
The only thing that works harder than Tom Brady in the offseason is her top.
Why are they so quick to defend owners over players? Doesn’t seem that complicated to me, it’s really a black-and-white situation.
Iris > anyone on staff here, honestly
The solution to this is the same as the solution to everything: ditch the cap and remove all restrictions on free agency. All adult humans should have the right to choose their workplaces.