
Maybe Luke is failing to utilize and develop Ball and Ingram properly on the offensive end just as he, and Byron Scott, failed with D’Angelo Russell and Julius Randle. Luke gets guys to buy in defensively but offensively they flounder. Just look at the free throw shooting, his rotations and game time adjustments. Look

What you said is valid but Conor should know better than to talk like that about some real life gangsters. I just hope they keep those two camps separated before someone gets hurt or worse. 

Wasn’t it Microsoft who was against cross play last generation or am I confusing something?

The realest thing said throughout the duration of all this other bullshit being typed out. 

Yeah considering the line was, “What I need to do is kick the bitch in the tummy,” while having a newborn on the way he probably did wake up and decide to write that. Also considering we’ve never caught Snoop using homophobic language in his personal life he most likely woke up and threw together a some lyrics and

White peoples ability to ignore, excuse or endorse the shitty behavior of their own is amazing. That motherfucker was 17-18. He didn’t just wake up one day and decide to tweet some racist and homophobic shit, that’s the shithead he had grown into up to that point of his life. The odds are great that the next time he

Jesus this was so good. 

So no changes for black defendants. Gotcha.

Then let’s not pretend that any Gambino release is on the same plain as Parade, or Purple Rain or 1999 or Dirty Mind or Sign Of The Times or so on and so forth on a musical level. The pendulum has to swing both ways.

They don’t have to let Randle go if they recind all expiring contracts and non guaranteed money. That said, I’d personally would tell Pop pick any two of Ball, Kuzma, Ingram and Hart, take this middling pick and a couple of second rounders and you’ve got a deal. I’m not the GM though and that’s probably why they

The only way San Antonio gets the three guys you mentioned is if they take back Deng. They’re not taking Deng so that trade you mentioned ain’t happening. Besides, based on what’s come out in the local media (essentially meaningless I know) Ingram, Kuzma and Lonzo are deemed untouchable so...fuck it who knows what

I have enjoyed his glacial effectiveness since his time at UCLA.

Now playing

KG’s heart pumps Kool-Aid. Fakest tough guy in a league littered with them. Here’s an example.

They’re never going to come out for us. They’re never going to empathize with our loss. They’re only ever going to care about us to the extent they can milk us for trends, slang and entertainment. So all we can do is stop with the talking and get on with the fighting. Just to clarify, when I say “they” I don’t just

Black people have used that word with consistency in songs for say 30-35 years while white people, mainly but not only, have used it to dehumanize black people for over 400 years. Not putting it in songs would solve nothing and only a fucking moron with no friends of color would seriously think that’s so. LeBron James

No he’s suggesting that non black people are ugly when saying it. Just casually throwing it around shows the lack of regard other races have for black people in this world. How many black people do you see casually calling Asians “chinks” or “gooks”? How about calling Latinx people “spics” or “beaners”? The vast

Just to warn you, without proper context your comment comes across like your making excuses for shitty behavior. It’s like if someone saw you call your girlfriend babe and then they walked up and did it, then said to you, “Don’tr call her babe if you don’t want others to call her that.” People know what they’re doing

From the NCAA to the NFL to Hollywood Crews is finding the more things change the more they stay the same.

Look again. As much as I’d like my beloved Lakers to make the playoffs they won’t. Therefore that pick they’re conveying will be in the back end of the lottery.