Yeah, I shudder to think what Disney will do to Deadpool 2.
Yeah, I shudder to think what Disney will do to Deadpool 2.
I know there’s a whole host of other more important issues to consider here, but....
I suppose I might see the interviews as a bonus now, but all I remember of them as a kid is being annoyed at having to fast forward through them anytime I wanted to watch the damned movies. They ought to have put them at the end of the tapes.
“So, did they steal your childrens’ hands?”
And while we’re at it, anyone who has worked with Roman Polanski since 1978.
My theory is that they held off the Quicksilver/Magneto reveal to lure Fassbender back for another movie, but good Lord that was bad. His freaking son is standing right there, but he’s brought back to the good guys side because Jennifer Lawrence asked him real nice. That movie had a lot of potential, but they dropped…
I still maintain X-Men: Apocalypse would’ve been at least 50 percent better if, instead of having Jean Grey release Wolverine because you can’t have a X-Men movie without Wolverine, they had just let Jean, Cyclops, and Nightcrawler fight through all those guards. Also maybe more than 10 minutes of character…
I enjoyed how the dog realized the exact moment his belly rub was turning into a pick-up and scampered off. Reminds me of my own dog.
Truely a victory for Jimbos everywhere.
That’s pretty much why I’m burnt out on stories like this. There’s absolutely no new information here. The disgusting person said or did something else disgusting. Anybody with any sort of moral code already hates him, and his supporters have proven that nothing will turn them from him.
I assume these are the words of a man who really doesn’t want to be deported.
So the punching staffer was unable to shed any light on the situation until after people were dispatched to the punched staffer’s home?
Yeah, the fact that an actor most people still remember as “that other guy on ‘That 70's Show’” still has a job with a show Netflix could’ve cancelled overnight to no reaction, whereas they fired the star of their flagship show..... Yeah, no shady cult at work here...
I think it’s gotta be Jerrah this year, if for no other reason than the fact that he managed to get me to root for Goodell in a conflict.
Yeah, they’d have to figure out another way to go with it. At this point, Bob is more or less at peace with Teddy being his best friend/other spouse.
I was a little bummed we didn’t get to meet Teddy’s family ( his Mom certainly sounds interesting), but on balance keeping the focus on the main cast was probably for the best. The kids didn’t have a ton to do as it was.
One of these days, just for fun, I’d like to see them do an episode that’s just 22 minutes of Bob and Teddy going back and forth. I’m reasonably confidant they could pull it off.
I’m not going to deny regional animosity is a thing in the US, since that is demonstrably false. I will go ahead and point out that a not insignificant number of Alabama residents are ready to elect an actual monster to the US Senate. I will also point out that this is not the first time this has happened in that…
I imagine a gang of franchise owners not including Jerry Jones jumped him on the way back to his Camero.
Well, you’ll note they never did show you from the back...