
And you're the cunt who just repeats jokes he didn't write at parties.

You think that logical fallacies are "rudimentary psychology"?

My normcore metal band is called Schadenfreude is Implicit. Come check us out this weekend.

Is that the cognitive dissonance you've settled on to rest this matter in your mind, rather than actually having an answer for it that can be explained via words written in English?

I don't give them the time for it. They live in constant fear of being without a place to pee and the stove lighting the baby on fire.

God, you sound awful.

Clownfraud is fantastic.

Glad you're still at it, dad.

I made the initial assertion that his comment was of no value. You interjecting that then neither was mine was Tu Quoque. That doesn't retroactively make my original and only assertion Tu Quoque.

I said that he added nothing to the conversation. You attempted to call me a hypocrite by saying that neither did I.

No, you aren't mad. ;)

Offend you? I'm not trying to offend you. I'm showing you how what you said is stupid. I don't care whether that bothers you or not. Plainly it doesn't or you'd have made an effort to be less of an idiot by this point in your life.

Miami fans are absolute garbage. What does he have to thank them for?

The dust that'll collect on that thing. Oof.

I don't believe you. Show me.

I've considered your request, given it ample thought, and want you to also go fuck off.

I guess I could ask you the same question?

I'm not an English major and I'm perfectly capable with math.

When I have a ready supply of the mentally inept right in front of me?

Not surprised.