
It is VERY disgusting...Thats the 'Dr' not the patient tho, so maybe it was used as a billboard 2 show that this azz concoction worked, I mean it is a man...

I don't know about worldwide but in the U.S it seems big butts are now crossing racial lines and are enjoyed by all...Kim Kardashian isn't AA but I have not met a man of any race who does not love her azz...Even white actresses are heralded for their behinds now a days...The age of Calvin Klein Heroin chic is long

Flawless Victory!

And this is why I 'hearted' you lol

Thanks for the replies...I already have Beautiful widgets but I like the minimilistic look of that...So I am assuming the email counter is also a Asus app?

Does any1 know what Clock/Weather App they are using on the press photos? I would like to use that on my Xoom.

My thoughts EXACTLY!!!!

No you are correct, if ur PC is connected to ur TV then this is not for you...I believe Apple TV & Google TV are aimed at those who arent as technically savvy as yourself. Such as soccer moms, grandparents, or maybe even tech savvy parents who dont want their kid messin around on their laptop/Mac/PC

@SageDieu and @tomsau its funny how u both use the same phone to support diffrent sides of the argument...

@JimmyBanks All were runnin default browsers so we have 2 go off of that...It is the WP7 teams fault the browser that comes preloaded and supposedly optimized is holding back the hardware...

I do get it...The lower spec'd phone was slower. "Hold its own" is gray area lets just talk the facts (of this article) and thru out this test the '1st Real WP7 Phone" is slower than the competiton...

WAIT! So specs dont matter because in the real world it will 'just work' but in real world test the lower specd phone 'just worked' slower...Ook I get it now, thanx Giz...

I have stock Android on my phone, my fiance' does, as well as my Mom and we all love our phones and never have these 'stability & performance' issues that you speak of...I have never used a WP7 device, but I also own an iPhone and the only thing that is better IMHO are the apps and that chasm is closing as developers

16Gb isnt the problem that it is the only option, is the problem...iPhones go up to 64GB


Specs ARE NOT everything, if the OS is optimized, I agree. Its just that after all the wait these skittle colored phones do not scream WP7 is here to me. Strictly from a looks stand point (all subjective of course) iPhone, RAZR, Galaxy Nexus all have all of the WP7 phones I have saw beat. I was just hoping for more :(

There is not one WP7 phone that looks desireable...If no1 wants the hardware, no1 will ever be able to see how the OS works...I have yet 2 meet any1 with or who knows any1 with a WP7 phone and yes i do get out, a lot actually....


I think thats why only "Google" phones were used for illustration purposes. To try to keep it Apple 2 Apple (no pun intended), since those phones are how Google meant Android to be viewed as a complete ecosystem.

The 1st iPhone when introduced did not have an app store 2 compliment it. This is the reason many competitors did not take apple seriously. It was just a 'Phone' kinda like Peter Parker b4 that spider (app store) bit him.