
Way to close out 2011, great article...

Fingers crossed...

The same thing happened 2 me; curiouser and curiouser...

I cant call it, this battery has a mind of its own...I was at 100% when I left home 2day; i played 2 entire (locally stored) albums thru the music player so about 2.5 hrs of music, watched a 25 min youtube, and the usual text convos, gmail checks, and twitter updates and my phone is at 65% after 5hr 55m at this rate I

WOW! ...I understand wanting every1 2 have the product but a patent does not mean u have 2 sue sm1 n2 oblivion or even charge crazy licensing fees 2 deter the use of ur idea...They could have patented the process and licensed it for a nominal fee...

Its a possibility but It took me a while to tell a diffrence, honestly if the title didnt say 'Face Swap' I more than likely thought it was the same pic...

Can someone please explain why they did not patent this new process? I would think by doing so they could have licensed the tech.

I still have no idea as to why my phone dies so quickly...The most I ever get out of it is 7.5 hrs and yesterday after leaving work with 100% it died in 4.5 hours...I cycled the battery last night, and did a full charge while the phone was off...I have screen brightness at 30%, on 3G, no wifi, no GPS, Twitter is in on

You sir are excellent at stealing thoughts b4 I type them...

My billing cycle started on the 18th and since then I have burned thru 2.89GB of data according to my G-Nex...How? I have no idea, I downloaded 2 albums but no way that should have threw me that high that fast...Luckily I am on an unlimited plan but sheesh...

Ummmmm actually they're not...U have 2 look at the smile

Ummmmmm it only affects Android 1.6 to 2.2, in order to avoid a ban all HTC has to do is ship phones with the most current Android OS. Honestly this seems like a win for everyone involved, especially the consumer.

Then with the move 2 the cloud, 32GB is even more superfluous. Sadly somehow, someway, storage has become a status thing, I have heard people brag about gettin a 64GB iPhone yet never downloaded anything in their life SMH!...

I agree 100% there is no justification that 16GB of storage costs $100, I believe Apple set the pricing floor and manufacturers are following along...

Read what you typed "even the iPhone starts at $199!", 'starts' is the action word. A 32GB iPhone is $299.99 on contract, the Nexus is the flagship device and has 32GB of storage so it is not unheard of. Actually it is in line with current pricing.

You sir have earned this 'heart' over and over and over again...

Even better the Credit Unions in my state, MD, all allow you to use 7-11 ATMs for free and 7-11s are damn near everywhere...

2 say u cant stand sm1 u dont know is a bit harsh...I dont like the 'Reality' lifestyle that she represents but I dont watch that stuff so end of the day it doesnt bother me...As far as her being attractive, just from the physical stand point, I think she is, u dont and thats cool too...

I dont think Kim K azz is ridiculous...She is actually a rather petit woman (as in height) its her waist 2 azz ratio that makes it look super big on TV...