
Thank you so very much my brain was on defcon level 4...

The funny thing is I have a XOOM and when I go 2 certain sites it says 'This site is not compatible with Safari' which I was always confused about because i thought Android would sip with a Chrome browser baked in...

AGAIN Giz has overlooked the facts from the original article:

The curve isn't really noticeable, (I think the image we have saw the last few days is greatly embellished) but it is more ergonamic and natural than straight glass. The Nexus S I have used is more comfortable against my face than other smartphones IMO.

Thought I was the only one SMH!

Your not the only one, my mind could not comprehend what was going on in that pic...Now that I 'see' it, i can not 'see' it the other way anymore...Trippy man trippy...

THANK YOU! I really had the WTF! Head Scratching thing going on...Guess ur username says it all lol

I used over 2Gb of data last month NO tethering, I have been streaming Google Music since I lost my ZuneHD on my OG Droid and after 6hrs a day I am guessing it adds up...I dunno it was weird 2 me when I saw the bill too...

HOLY SH!T!!!!!! I am in tears literally...That the best thing the internet has ever given me LMAO!!!



OG Droid rooted works no prob...

Maybe they didnt have health insurance and couldnt afford 2 take it off...I have known of people who have braces for years past the time they needed because they couldnt afford to get them off...Just my .02 even tho the lack of insurance does not make up for the stupidity of this...

Tablet support coming soon (more than likely Honeycomb then Ipads) and ur Touch uses the same app as the iPhone just have 2 install via iTunes 4 some reason its not in the app store on the devices *weird*

Worked like a charm, thanks Giz

I guess that is a result of cheating the system, while US has unlimited streaming it seems UK only has 20hrs so since we 'technically' registered from a McDonalds in London we are stuck with the UK guidelines...

Zune Pass only downfall is Microsoft's steel grip on it...If they would have let it out n2 the wild (a mobile app, Mac compatability, etc) we wouldnt even care about any of these new services...The Zune Pass is dead, long live the Zune Pass...

Finally! I love this in Firefox...Can finally sync with my Android devices CHEAH!!!!

And I will hide your corpse Ballmer, give me Zune pass or give me ummmmm noogies HA!

I love Android but what is this talking about: "If they adopt the Android platform (which would force them to conform to a set of required specifications)". I mean if it were strict specifications wouldn't the entire fragmentation argument be done? Maybe the author meant WP7 o_O