

Microsoft needs to supply us with a ZunePass app...They built their empire on software but refuse to give every1 the best music subscription service available. When did 1+1 stop equaling 2...


By George, I think they got it!

@RuckingFetard: There are so many things that are right about this comment...

@jms: I thought it was just me, the latest update is causing all kinds of hiccups in my input, so much so that I find myself actually typing instead of "swyping" SMH!

I'm hearing (via message boards) that this could possibly be the "Wall Street" of our era (even more than you know the Wall Street they made for our era Wall Street 2) Zuckerburg epitomizes Godon Gekko "Greed is Good!"

@Raijin「雷神」Needs A Gold Star: No the phone actually costs $500.00, T-Mobile eats the 250.00 so you have to sign a contract for 2 years. With this you are not obligated to sign a contract (for service) but you are liable to pay for the phone in 24 months. It helps those who dont have established credit, or those who

@xido: I understand that but out of those what can it really be a replacement for...I will give you netbook but even with that, it is WAY easioer to type on a netbook than a tablet screen (iPad anyway).

@Raijin「雷神」Needs A Gold Star: Yes and No...You will pay the full unsubsidized price which is most likely to be closer to $500 over the period of 24 months...Its called the Even More PLUS plan check it out...

@muscleco: Now that purpose I understand... To use it as a larger screen to proof your photos (I'm assuming your a pro photographer). but for the masses the real world applications isnt something I think the masses still have 2b sold on...I think I am on the bleeding edge of gadgetness but for the life of me when my

@Raijin「雷神」Needs A Gold Star: If you pay full price, T-Mobile has a plan that let you spread the price of the phone out over the life of your contract (24 month max) there are some caveats but you may wanna look into it...

@muscleco: What will you use a tablet for in your "real world" work? They are for consumption not for production. Hell even El Jobso told you that.

@whatne1wuddo: Maybe 'need' was the incorrect word to use but I dont see the purpose...I have a Desktop for power use, a laptop for on the go business, a net book for lazy browsing/quick work around the house, a Zune HD for my on the go media, and a smart phone for everything else...In the pantheon of gadgets where

Again why do I need a tablet? Someone any1, anywhere please let me know why...

@MrBrutesnipe: Its all about porn, so goes porn goes our media consumption...Ask BetaMax when porn backed VHS it was a wrap, same here the big skin flick studios backed BluRay and that my good friend is how the HD-DVD cookie crumbled ...

This is so wrong on so many many levels...

@MazdaMania: The correlation between Apple and BMW could not be more off. Apple makes devices with the same insides as any PC maker their fancy OS is what makes it go, while there isn't anything on the road like a BMW from the engine to the seats you do not get a better driving machine.

One more thing I work for the gov't and I am still using Windows XP (no we werent downgraded from Vista, we are just stuck on XP), Office 2007, and IE 6. So until the biggest buyer of PC hardware in the world jumps on the tablet train, (which may not be until 2110 at this rate) I know laptops/desktops are safe.