
I'm sorry but sm1 still hasn't explained 2 me WHY I should want a tablet, let alone need one...The iPad (the epitome of what a tablet should be) is still just a iPod Touch XL explicitly used for consumption. Until these things can create more than FB updates, check in on 4 Square, and tweet, I see no need for them.

@Almightywhacko: I for one still have DSL with Verizon and for my uses I can barely tell the diff between that and the Comcast nee' Xfinity conection at my parents house, its 30 cheaper/month and I can get on Giz with no issue so hey all is good with the world...

@Waffles And Syrup: hmmmmmm I wonder could I patent that idea...I mean its seems the patent office lets everything else slide...

Its soooooo puuurrrrtttttyyyyyy

@NanorH: Don't like it, hide it thats the beauty of Android...Depending on my wallpaper I remove it, but I like it personally...

I jumped ship when Verizon released the Droid but this is THEE phone I have always wanted look at that sweet, sweet, keyboard...

This is a great update, for sm reason I always hit menu when I am trying 2 reply or fwd a mssg using my Droid. Small updates like these are making Android the go 2 Mobile OS.

@kdupree: So this message wasn't him growing up? Then what does he actually have to do? The man's crime was that he was rude; he interrupted someone at a MUSIC awards show, for a station that doesn't even play music videos, yeah lets burn him at the stake...

If you don't like someone fine, but when sm1 says something from the heart you have to respect it and honestly after reading the tweets, in real time, I have a new found respect for Kanye West. The man is right this incident has been totally blown outta proportion, it was a video awards show for MTV, it was less

@nootron: Is it me or does Zuck seem like a young Jobs, could you imagine what Jobs did when he was in his 20s when Apple 1st launched and the net was as omnipresent like it is 2day SHEESH!

@MikeK1te: If I never thought twice about wireless charging before, you my friend have made me a believer...

Really Samsung, REALLY!?!?!

@PixieKat: Ummmmm werent they selling TV shows for $1 or $1.99 b4...You know sell as in OWN forever and then add that 99% of TV is available for free on network sites, I agree with you this is really unbelievable...And this time Steve didnt even tell us it was magic BOLLOCKS!

@thinkthis: But its only yours for 48 hrs from the 1st time u hit play, a late fee used 2b $3 each additional day (correct me if I'm wrong) and that was after 3days...

Ok I dont get it, pleaese explain why I would want 2 rent a movie for $5 dollars when I can go 2 Red Box and grab one for a buck (or Free with that android coupon code app)...I can be as lazy as the laziest but I think I'm a little more frugal #KanyeShrug

For some reason these pics really creep me out :(

@mynamesafad: There is a stable .apk out there had it for about 2 weeks works fine no hiccups @ all...