
Now this is the kind of 3D i like...Ish jumpin out the screen, just plain old fun...I mean how u expect me 2 watch a serious 3d movie with those stupid glasses...

@j14: You sir are playing serious games with the space time continuium SMH!

@Lysdexia_NoKotakuEdition: If a person wants to commit a crime, a bracelet will not stop them and monitoring companies (alot of the time the state outsources these things) are a joke in MD a person actually caught an attempted Murder Charge while on home monitor. I am againt the prison industrial complex that the US

WAIT! I thought one of the gripes about the iPhone was you couldn't replace the battery and one of the pluses of Android was that you could ummmmmmm get another battery or a car/work USB cord (all new smart phones use the the same one) and there ya go...

This isn't new you could always do this...Was using that code on my Sidekick when Twitter 1st went online...

On #2 is it me or b4 the demo they actually zoomed in on her breast and said "Boing, Boing" hahahahah hilarious...

That thing better have one hell of a lock code, if that fell into the wrong hands WOW!

@Everybody: Its the 1st Monday Night Football game of a new Billion dollar stadium and I bought my tix 2day in the 200 section for 240 bucks a pop...So if I wanted 2 go 2 a reg Sunday game, not televised, in the nose bleeds, and I bought it in advance I could be there for less than 100 bucks...So yes my premium seats

@my name is jonas: Nope VividSeats has lots of seats for great prices, just copped 2 for the Monday night Ravens/Jets game for $500 in the 200 section...Cant beat that at all...

Sorry, needs a decent browser

The "ShadowRoom" in DC has been doing this since they opened (in a way) every table is equipped with an iPhone place your order on it, and your payment info, and voila drunk b4 you even realize. Isnt technology grand...

I spoke on this before, true its a 3D but its not a 3D expereince, let me finish...When my son thinks of 3D he wants 2 see stuff flying at him, "SharkBoy & Lava Girl", "Journey To The Center of The Earth", etc...He was dissapointed in "Toy Story 3" and 'Dispicable Me" visually he stated "Why we had 2 wear the glasses

@That Guy: I guess since I came in at the tail end of typewriters my Mom's had an erase button so if u messed up u hit the button it erased it and then you typed over.

@Cyb3r_Punk: Thanks man, honestly it seems like any american city (sans the quasi slave labor but ummmm we have that too but I digress) the tourist sections are great but when you wander 2 the 'wrong' parts you maybe in trouble...One wrong turn in DC that could be the last turn you ever make but ooooooo the monuments

@That Guy: DAMN! Father Time just slapped me in my face, I typed on a typewriter and I'm not even 30 yet O_0

@Cyb3r_Punk: A lil insider info please...My friend vacations their often (she is a contractor in Afghanistan) and she loves it...Whenever Dubai is mentioned here it gets blasted as if its Sodom all over again, so whats the real deal...

@FriedPeeps: I thought it was just me, its nice and all but in the words of my 7yr old "Daddy thats not 3D nothing jumped out at me, we should get our money back"