
@D.LYTE: But this feature is available on Android handsets also...

@BruteSquad: There is a big difference between 'cheap' and entry level and maybe this phone just maybe 'cheap'.

@Guizzy: *Stands, Applauds, walks out of post*

@AWood1984: but ummmm I thought the magic in iOS4 well ummm anyway flashlight apps for all!

@Red Rocket: Dont know what mobile OS you may use but in Android you can pick app or web to open youtube videos and save your choice for all future links.

@yeah write: Its not an app icon but just bookmark the site and u can put the bookmark on the homepage. Not exactly aesthetically pleasing, but functional.

Welcome 2 the 2009 Android Flashlight party iOS4 your late!

...And the hits just keep on comin.

...And the hits just keep on comin.

@Tyrunn: I totally agree with what your saying but Lucas does own the trademark, if they would have brought legal action against a twitter app I think not but I guess better safe than sorry...

Is music playing really that big of a deal with Smartphones? I understand the iPhone is basically a iPod Touch that has a phone stuffed in it and that Apple has set the bar in that dept but I dont care about that @ all and it seems like all the other phone makers are playing catch up and its really not that big of a

@sridhar_uta: Actually no its not a way to just make money, If you were ever a part of a class action suit you know that all that "money" is usually no more than a few dollars per person. These types of suits are basically punitive making the defendant address the issue if they lose. I was once a part of a Blockbuster

@Xeraphim: I think you would feel diffrently if you were one of the 200 people expereincing these problems...Can't turn a blind eye because you could be the next victim...

@Tyrunn: Its not confirmed but i think Ryan is dying a slow death...

People, people please calm down; this is all to plan there is nothing wrong with your 'magical' phone it is your unmagical bodies that are the problem but El Jobso has a solution it will be here in 11.5 months and will be the iPhone 4s with 'Supernatural' Antennae...You know this will happen, so just be patient,

@Raven Riley: Yes they will, when iPhone 5 comes out and it will then have a 'Supernatural' antennae