
Ditka also makes his restaurant employees wear diapers to keep from taking unnecessary bathroom breaks to maximize his earning power.

I love other cultures.

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Or he just wants to show how hard it is for a seventh round pick to make a NFL roster. You should have thought of that. At what point in time did this guy have an obligation to owe people something? A network came to him and wanted to pay him so he could tell his story. And he said yes like most people would. Where in

Why can't it just be a reality show about how hard it is to make it on an NFL team being a 7th round draft pick? Isn't that just as legitimate? And how does everyone know the tone of the show before it's even been created? I don't see how it is remotely hypocritical about him saying it shouldn't be all about his

Now we need a female student to take the fall for the graffiti and get kicked out so the shit can hit the fan. It's the only way things get done nowadays.

Hahaha. Excellent. That was a fun ride.

No, no, no-no-no. Sorry. Funny things always should get laughed at. And that was one of them. And yes I mean laughing at them not with them.

Work = sitting in the school gym for 3:45 watching tv and then picking up dirty towels and wiping down machines for 15 min.

Cut out the middleman. Everyone should buy their NFL merchandise on aliexpress!

So your main beef is that you don't want gays using your term "marriage?" Because the mysterious powers of the word will be gone? I just can't... anyway, if you want to stand by your slippery slope argument that is fine. But this is the end of the slope. It started with marriage, then interracial marriage, and now gay

I don't know if that song is supposed to be funny, but it was hilarious.

It's funny how they made the characters aware and rag on Fidget about what the hell kind of animal it is.

Hahaha oh man! God I love finding people like you in the comments.

Yeah. I like how the ump took the worst possible position, sliding behind the catcher, to even watch the play.

Loved it.

I'm glad someone else caught that. He says these critical things about her behind the desk, but when he's interviewing her he asks her to dance for him. These Olympic commentators are very judgmental this year and it's getting under my skin.

Whooo. After seeing the picture first I'm glad I took the time to read the article. Because I thought for sure she cooked that old lady and all that was leftovers was her heart.

Lol getting better and better each time.

Yes Florida doesn't "deserve" baseball. There are no "true" baseball fans down there. Wait. Hold on. How many baseball teams hold spring training in Florida? And they each have their own stadium?! That they actually fill with real people?! I don't believe it. Move 'em all to Arizona where the true American baseball