
Saw this for the first time in early-1998, on the tail-end of my eighth grade year. A particularly devil-may-care substitute teacher showed it to my class (I’m pretty Mr. Zuck was not asked to sub at my middle school again lol).

Oooh they should drop his body in the ocean like they did Osama Bin Laden. They can be water grave mates. 

Was it an innocent mistake? Perhaps[.]

Ya, seems like the author was pretty hellbent on dragging Tay Tay for the actions of the twitterati, which isn’t fair at all. The Folklore does not sell branded merch, the logos are not all that similar, and they very quickly remedied the situation once she objected, so it seems like a pretty honest mistake on behalf

Fez fine ass deserve a nom too!

Kayleigh McYannyny

Holy shit guys stop using TikTok. It’s a fucking data farm for the Chinese government. STOPPPP. 

Any word on the grocery washing though? Handwashing every time we enter anywhere doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the groceries.

because they all crave more fame.

Um, do you know how hot lava is? Like 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit. There’s no way she climbed back out for a second fall. 

Not only does MTV not play videos anymore, it seems like they exclusively air “Ridiculousness”.

Yeah. I’ve argued this a lot over the past few weeks. No amount of change or positive forward progress is enough for these people. Jenna was cringey years back, but she apologized and recognized that and changed LONG before all of this. She didn’t deserve to be harassed.

First of all, Jenna Marbles didn’t do blackface. She had a dark tan when she worked in a tanning shop. Tacky? Yes. Blackface? No. She had that tan in every video at the time.

Most of this article is Stewart owning up to the lack of diversity on his staff and what lead to it. In an intelligent and insightful way. So why was the last bit necessary? I clicked it (maybe thats why?) thinking it was going to be about him having a history of yelling at staff. But it was only about the Cain

FFS Megan, no one cares if you’re comfortable. 

If the two winners can’t be the same gender what is the point of merging them into a gender neutral category? By simple statistics and probability a majority of the winners would be one man and one woman, as non-binary actors are a distant minority. The whole rational is to eliminate gender distinction in the awards.

Yeah, James Van Der Beek kinda peaked early. I think Katie Holmes’ career does have an aspect of ‘let’s see how she’s doing since divorcing hollywood weirdo Tom Cruise’ to it.

I also found it rather satisfying that the “nice guy” Dawson didn’t get the girl just because he wanted her. It was refreshing. Did anyone else notice these kids used some good vocabulary words, but what they actually had to say was still often very teenagery and cringy?

Maybe after 36 seasons, Challenge producers have decided they hate racism more than they hate quitters.

I hate horror moves. I fucking LOVE Scream.