
This might have been discussed before, but I think that perhaps du Maurier, Hannibal's dearest psychiatrist, is dead.

They could push it to The Killing Dance…and then, yeah…might want to stop at six…

Laurell K. Hamilton is your new favorite author.

Personally, I'd rather Laurell K. Hamilton's vampires made a showing.
Or this whole vampire thing would die already.
Either way…

Absolutely this. Well stated.

I did enjoy it. And perhaps that's my problem.

Well, with an attitude like that, I'm tempted to induce a coma.

I think you have to remember that this story (unlike any of the others in the series) was intended to be a trilogy (including Verses). The idea they wanted to create in XIII is that they're on a countdown as l'Cie. They don't have TIME. They're ostracized and hunted by the entire world. How do you explain them going

I loved Lightning and Hope. I thought their character development throughout the story was exceptional. Vanille, you could tell, was emotionally torn by the consequences of her actions, especially once she really began to know Sazh. Fang was a wonderfully strong characters whose humor and determination reminded me not

Oh, right because NO other FF game in history had aggravating characters posing, melodrama or people explaining their feelings and plot over and over again…ever.

For a numerical series like Final Fantasy that doesn't follow a continued storyline from game to game, the XIII-2 denotes a sequel (like they did with X-2). So, no, it wouldn't be 14.

Actually, JD tells Elliot she's "Mole Butt".
Rumple Fuggly is, however, MIA.

Aliens are my jurisdiction.

Lightning > Cloud
Sephiroth > Barthandelus
Crystarium > Materia
FFXIII-2 > Advent Children

I'll take an orgy with:
 - Jean Claude and Asher <———[SELECT]
 - Richard and Jason
 - Nathaniel and Micah

My problem with Twilight is that Laurel K. Hamilton's Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series did everything Meyer did, but did it better and without the "teenage girl stuff" (and that's coming from a woman).

I see your point Misanthrope, but equivalent does not preferential make. Just because both consoles offer RPGs, does not mean someone wouldn't rather be playing Mass Effect than Drake's Fortune.

My thoughts exactly, though usually it's something pretty trivial like a costume or some semi-useless weapon. Still, I'm not the pre-order and spend $60+ right out the gate kind of gamer, so I'm used to getting screwed on that level.

Just curious… What exactly about him did you find shitty? I thought Casino Royale was smooth and fresh and smart. Bond is just starting out as a 007, and I thought the movie portrayed his unique blend of naivete and skill quite well. The acting was excellent, as well as Craig's portrayal of a cocky, deadly and still

Ditto Sean Bean. His villains are always outstanding.