Deal with it
Deal with it
Yeah, the "integrated into the ui bit" makes it so that there's no way she's the main villain, but there's no reason to believe she doesn't have some self-serving ulterior motives.
So actually Paimon isn’t the only being named after a Demon— in so far all the named archons’ true names are based on a Goetia demon.
Wind (anemo) is Barbatos
Earth (geo) is Morax
It hints at Paimon’s true nature, probably.
You seriously need to watch Hereditary.
Yup, Paimon is one of the ruling demons under Lucifer. I’m definitely team “Cute Paimon is probably diabolically evil.”
Ah, the Rapid Live Service Death Spiral continues:
It’s early access.
Of course it’s buggy.
That’s the entire point of early access.
Just keep Paul W. S. Anderson and Milia away from these, I beg Capcom.
Seeing you use a lot of self deprication to explain your habits, just wanted to say, you have the strength to stop! Ask others for accountability if you need. These companies use extremely manipulative tactics to steal your hard earned money. As someone who's experienced regret/shame in the past, there's a way out!
Yeah this stands out as having some really good actual gameplay. Which is why the punishing gatcha rates (0.5% is shockingly low for Asian games) is such a drag, because you’re really going to want to be able to switch up the gameplay with new characters.
The actual Gatcha in this game has some of the worst rates of anything I’ve played in recent memory. For me that’s going to be the biggest barrier to playing it longer term. They have a ‘pity’ system that gives you a guaranteed 5* drop every 90 or so pulls, but it’s banner specific and very much a crutch to hide the…
the CG Resident Evil movies are really good though. I don’t think there’s as limited a budget as you think.
I cannot stress this enough... I don’t care about cloud streaming services.
I responsibly saved up enough money over the last year to buy BOTH consoles and honestly... its nice to be worried about dumb consoles for a change instead of EVERYTHING else in 2020.
It seems to be the world's dick now.
Is it America’s dick, though?
“Fatalis also hates humans. Like, really hates them. It’s a whole thing.”
Can you really blame the guy? Humans skin and kill his buddies and then have the gall to wear their body parts to kill and skin more of his pals. Let’s be honest, if an orc or something killed your friends and family and then had the gall to…
Some people need to spend less time on the internet.
Mr. Roosevelt, this is a Wendy’s.
It's almost like we should bust up vertical and horizontal monopolies and duopolies!