what does the fonz say

We’re calling Seth Meyers a centrist? He is more left than any host short of Jon Oliver or Trevor Noah.

It took what it always takes: getting hit close to home. He had to sit in a NICU (much like I had around the same time frame) and see all these other families just like his but without the benefit of all his money. Hours sitting in a chair with another family just across a curtain talking to social workers and

She actually does, though. Her husband is the Mossimo of the Target Mossimo brand. They’re billionaires.

I don’t want it to sound like I’m standing up for these spoiled kids because they really frustrate me, but I find it conceivable that they don’t know. Their parents have indoctrinated them with the idea that they’re special; if they don’t earn good grades, it’s because they’re talented in other ways and smarter than

But apparently Mossimo had nothing to do it. Or William H. Macy, who is Felicity Huffman’s husband. Why all the blame on the women?

But if he did it, he deserves to be punished, even if his conviction was a sham. 

One thing I won’t miss about the show is the endless comments on AVClub that seem to understand everyone is horrible but can’t resist trying to compare them? (and miraculously always seem to hate Lindsay more when legit everyone!is!horrible!)

The twist was pretty predictable but it didn’t matter because Paul F Tompkins is awesome.

Are we really not going to talk about the three of them eating an orange whole? What the fuck?

But she physically attacked him when he ended the relationship so how great could she be?

I thought maybe they were setting it up for Paul and Lindsay to get back together.  I hope not.

Gretchen: “Did you know there was an eclipse last night?”

Jimmy: “No. Who cares?”

Gretchen: “I don’t know...dipshits like (looks up and sees Vernon, Becca and Paul at a table)... Oh, shit! I conjured them!”


Oh damn, I also thought it was absinthe. Explains the drunken suicide attempt much better.

Or forget about fucking scale for once and endless growth and profits and realize that you cannot “curate” with an algorithm. Every single video on the kids youtube should be human verified and human selected.

It seems irresponsible (one might even say hypocritical?) to embed his lurid, flippant and exploitative tweets in the article.

Why people can’t admit that the two actors who got Oscar nominations for pretending to be in love can pretend to be in love convincingly is beyond me. 

I know wha5 you mean about Olivia Coleman - Broadchurch season 1 stayed with me for quite a while.  She was so good

That’s what irked me. It’s basically a movie playing back songs. They are essentially awarding Oscars to decade’s old Queen songs in sound categories.  It just feels like a shameless exploitation of a loophole.

Barbra Streisand talking about the importance of truth when introducing Black Klansman is the epitome of irony.

The film Roma is currently being featured in the following categories: Best Picture, Best Director, Hidden Gems for You and Because You Watched Boss Baby