
Am I crazy, or are there like a million reasons I could think of that he would say that sentence the way he said it that have nothing to do with it being a "confession"?

Please talk less about the plausibility of goddamn Futurama. It's heightened reality, nobody cares that the greeting card wouldn't need AI.

Well, usually you don't. Self defense isn't usually going to work for a delusional person - you can occasionally argue insanity, but insanity pleas almost never work.

I am criticizing your proposition of (mentally unstable = insanity applies). I will cede that my assumption that you were talking about PTSD (largely because multiple other commentors made the same assumption) was incorrect. However, that doesn't change the fact that your comment did not in any way make its

I apologize for interpreting the words you wrote as you wrote them. Insanity is still a very, very high bar to clear.

Yes, that's a critical part of self defense claims, that you did what a "reasonable person" would do in that situation. The fact that juries are crazy biased against minorities doesn't mean that the principle isn't there.

Your lack of understanding of the insanity defense and how it works is adorable. You don't just have to be unstable - the insanity defense says that you have to be in such a state of mind that you were incapable of knowing that your actions were wrong. It's a much higher bar than PTSD gives in most situations.

Lookat all those things I didn't say and mind reading. It is silly for a cis person to draw attention to the fact that they are not trans in most contexts. That's the full extent of my point.

Yes, it is completely reasonable to assume that any given person is cisgendered because of the rarity of trans. They need to be considered when dealing with populations and with broader social issues, but it's not erasure to call this person silly.

I agree that your post is about bad logic.

It's still not going to skew that high either way, he has effectively given no information to Mr. Savage.

I'd put money down that it would mention the special difficulties that come with being a male rape victim, at the very least.

Because of the percentages of the population that it doesn't apply to. Again, mentioning that he wasn't disabled (not drawing a parallel, just talking percentages!) was also unnecessary. The difference is that Dan isn't possibly going to assume otherwise!

"It’s why we don’t see a basketball game between LeBron James and an entire high school team."
We totally should.

Are we going to pretend that the dynamic between the two of them is in no way going to be informed by the fact that one of them is male and one female? Like it or not, that changes the social situation and what types or approaches are more delicate to being in a relationship with another person. It's information you

Because that's the one part that's fairly reasonable to make an assumption unless the person specifies otherwise?


Dammit. You caught me.


This makes me think about McArtney's invention of "Yesterday" - he knew he'd written a really good bit of music, so much that he was SURE that he'd stolen it from someone. He spent a great deal of time playing it for other people and trying to figure out who he'd ripped off, because the melody just worked so well.