The Flailing Stick

It's why it was nominated for Record as opposed to Song.

And speaking of Family Guy and football, there's the episode with Shipoopie

There's nothing in the rule book that says a giraffe can't play football!

Started watching the anime Attack on Titan on Netflix. I've never been a huge anime fan, and I've drifted away from the stuff more as the years go by, but I kept hearing positive things about this series and glad to see it pop up on Netflix. I've watched the first few eps, and yeah it's really good.

But I thought Merica would be incredibly opposed to an award going to a guy rapping about gay marriage.

But they just had one come out last year.

He's what kids these days call a "rapper" on account of him making the "rap music" that all the young folks are so crazy about what with hippin and the ropping and the bippin and the boppin.

No offense, Todd.

Yeah. He really gets upset when you say something about him attempting a comeback. He'll go into a whole song about it.

But those up and comers from Led Zeppelin, on the other hand, are.

Yahoo Serious says there's a new Avalanches record coming.

All I ask is for "Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe" to be nominated.

The most shameful magic of all

Speaking of returning features and asking awkward questions to bands about music, is AV Undercover returning soon? Cause this is usually around the time when the newswire article about voting for songs gets posted.

Apparently someone had the same thought as me ten minutes earlier. Heheheh.

Here's a question for anyone who might know: Does Finn a get older in this season by one year or two, because it's the length of two regular seasons?

Yeah and it looks kind of blurry and pixelated as if they were stretching a lower resolution image to fit the top of the screen!

And ignorant of old blues songs.

Of course it isn't because *Simpsons Reference*.