The Flailing Stick

So wait. Are the people at the AV Club so clueless about music that they think "Baby Please Don't Go" is an original song written for Archer?

I swear half of those bands are made up.

Well the shear volume of Bubbline and Fiona and Cake fanart would probably give you that impression.

I'm less interested in shows that are Wonders, and more curious about what Weirdos they have in store.

See also Better Off Ted

Herpich is responsible for most of my favorite episodes, so I have decent hopes this one.

Are they yours or rentals?

I thought they were a terrible a Canadian rock band.

But wasn't the film originally going to be titled The Frog Princess, but they changed it so that it would appeal to more boys? Because apparently boys like frogs but not frog princesses.

G Wars presented by Oderus Urungus.

No, this is Community we're talking about, not Girls.

Pffft. I was watching Community before the reviews got colonized!

And probably a little bit of ineptitude from other networks as well.

I'd say both B+'s

And then you go into your spiel about asking for pledges?

Spike doesn't play Statler Brothers concerts anymore!

Shut yo mouth!

Yeah we need to go back to the days of A's being handed out to things like War Horse.

And he wrote Marge Vs. The Monorail!

I'm ready for Sasquatch!