The Flailing Stick

And more places than just the Calgary airport

I thought the Last Jedi was the most divisive film of last year that got mostly glowing reviews. 

Now if only I could MAKE comments...


So your childhood didn’t involve episodes of Ocean Girl like mine did?

I have more faith in Gary Ross than Paul Feig though.

Or just give it to “Horrible Shitty Men”.

It’s going to go to the #MeToo movement, right? I’m surprised this article doesn’t mention that as one of the candidates.

Pokemon S&M? Get that out of here!

That’s tomorrow’s story.

Yes. That’s how animated films usually work.

Oh I understand why he switched to The Avocado. He was fed up with Kinja.

Yes. January was a year and half ago. Trump being elected broke the space time continuum causing time to slow down.

I feel like she needs a newsboy cap to complete the look.

Scott Aukerman had the best take on all of this.

But where’s the GJI article about this tweet?

Would Kinja make a better president than Donald Trump, though?

Oh. This doesn’t have to do with Dan Bejar.

Chinese Vampires.

But who exactly are Richard and Linda? Besides, accomplished folk musicians.