
hey look, I can cherry pick too....



“Massive extinctions will most likely end humanity as we know it in the next generation or two.” Really?? Oh please....please have a basic understanding of history, understand earth cycles, sun cycles....

no really, are you saying the climate has not changed at all in human history?  Let’s go with recorded history?  Again, what is your proposal and what will it accomplish?

How so?  Are you saying the climate hasn’t changed at all in the past?  What do you really propose to be done to combat this human-caused?

that would be true.

no, not really.  

to do what exactly?

Putin??  Do better.

On the contrary, everything you said is wrong. Explain President Trump is using racism? Facts? Policies? Please, I’m listening.

no, it’s entirely the reverse.

Geez, get a life people. Was everyone here the type that those loony tunes cartoons were real? Chill out.

That’s true, I’ll never be.

That’s because the left has never been tolerant.

why?  you won’t believe mine nor I yours.  

ummm, no, the earth was warmer before, it will be warmer again and it will cool again.  The solar cycles, the earth cycles.  

Compared to the other choice, yep.