
Of course, go there....if we disagree with BHO, we had to be racist. It couldn’t be his policies. Give me a break. Time to grow up and think of better excuses. Please see a doctor about your TDD.

Yeah, some of us felt that way 4 and 8 years ago....

Like most in public office.

Oh God please....I hope it doesn’t suck! Not sure Gosling fits, IMHO.

I hear you. From “da parish” myself.

Gee everyone here has their hope up for Comey to have something over Trump. It doesn’t matter what he says. Comey can say that Trump is awesome and at no time was pressure placed on him to sway any outcome on investigations, everyone on the left will not believe or say, Trump has something on Comey. Geez, give it a

Nope, we’re here....just enjoying the daily bitching. Glorious TDD.

Oh how I love coming here to check out the daily barrage. Glorious TDD - Trump Drangement Disorder.

I’m all for helping and giving back to my neighbor, but if my neighbor is blowing money on an iPhone or something similar and living beyond their means while others are supplementing, then yes, I will start to have an issue with that.

So you pay $650/month for an iPhone? It’s still the point of taking personal responsibility and setting priorities.

Learn to swim...