
but also because antifa is not an organization at all—it refers to a shared ideology of anti-fascism.”

You know this isn’t realistic without massive nuclear commissioning right? 

So, if a wind farm wanted to set up in India, and had windmills, batteries and transmission equipment ready to go, how would they go about doing this?  Would they be shut out by the government?

Gizmodo used to be about tech, now it’s mostly a mix of tech and other random musings. Looking at the first page now there’s mostly a mix of crossposts from “The Root”, “Earther” and “io9". Of the posts from Gizmodo itself there’s just a couple that are about tech of the type it used to be back in the day. Scientists

Stuck in the grays but pointed out the following:

In context those numbers are remarkably low, other than the usual amazon bashing what’s the story?

I also feel that highest death total isn’t a great metric to understand a country’s overall exposure. The confirmed cases per million is a much better mark for those countries reporting. Confirmed deaths have to be (and this is going to sound horribly callous) put into context against overall confirmed cases in order

Moronic... it’s called erosion... do you think the coast lines have stayed the same for the past 4 billions years and “just” now we humans have jump started a erosion event that will inevitably submerge all land into the deeps???

The really cool thing about government is that they can force you to be more reliant on them then you would ever want or need to be.

14 ads in this article. Six of which are selling a single n95 mask for $20, four anti Bernie ads, one GE power plant ad, and some other crap.  How much of your paycheck comes from this?  Spend it well, shill.  

The Trump ‘Regime’?  You’re a political hack Matt.  Journalism is dead and you’re part of the reason why.

Maybe it’s not as big of an issue as people claim it is?

Maybe you should take a hint....

Can you tell me how you decided to call the increase a ‘skyrocket’?

Geologic evidence over several billion years has suggested earth’s climate changes quickly and drastically. It’s not climate denial to suggests and question the current religion of climate change.  Too much credit is given to human intelligence, we dont understand most things on earth except climate scientists they

Quite perhaps people ‘believe’ in AGW, but aren’t willing to go the full Greta route, return to the primitive, as a solution. Young people tend to want extreme solutions to what they see as extreme problems, but if your starting gambit is “End fossil fuels immediately” people may cheer for you and give you the nobel

It will never be more efficient to use electrolysis, and will be a net negative use of energy to do so.

Counter point, and call me crazy here but

Psst...20 something gizomodo writer with a student debt has all the answer on proper global transitioning. All it takes is to take from the rich and give to the poor. The poor obviously have it all figured out.

But transitions, by definition, end. And the time to end this one is far past its sell-by date.