
Fortunately, his xylophone bones were left perfectly intact and perfectly in tune.

And according to the educational video game “Mortal Konbat” they are mostly femurs and skulls

“My work is done here” said Hastings after cancelling every Netflix show that wasn’t Big Mouth or Stranger Things. “Now I’m off to find new frontiers to cancel. Legend says that somewhere out there, they’re working on the greatest TV show of all time. A program of such unbelievable quality that grown men will weep at

So, can the James Cameron fans please now stop acting like he’s some pitiful underdog they have to constantly defend? They’re almost as bad as the Tom Brady fans.

Didn’t you post a few weeks before the movie came out that you worked in the industry and everyone there said it was going to fail?

After the last year under the leadership of Warner Bros., this sort of feels like your landlord refusing to make any repairs all year and then delivering the news that the rent’s increasing expeditiously.

I couldn't help but read their name as Shitfall.

In unrelated company-name news, today we got a mailer from something called “Scan Health Plan,” some kind of Medicare insurance BS, addressed to my mother-in-law (who died 14 months ago). You really have to admire the balls of a company that gives themselves a name one keyboard key away from being “Scam.”

“Born some place...apparently had a fondness for the banjo.”

Born in England in the 1940s”

I had a similar experience working with Richard Gere on a film; we couldn’t agree on how to handle things on the back end.

So the choices for Word of the Year were part of a word or two words...

Also not a fan (if that’s what you meant).

Why and this is coming from a fan of Pavement.

negative plus, dipshit

Stone Cold Steve Austin and Bill Goldberg get together to commiserate and ask ‘Why them and not us?’

Please eliminate three of them. I am NOT a crackpot.

Avatar 1: Wind

Don’t worry, when he’s inevitably let go in a few years, his $300M severance will ease the pain.