Good I wasn’t the only one, good thing I don’t have a wife to worry about taking that bad boy out after work today.
Good I wasn’t the only one, good thing I don’t have a wife to worry about taking that bad boy out after work today.
I enjoyed the movie, but it's also not hard to see that it's a giant ad for Lockheed Martin.
I can accept fictional blue aliens that live underwater, but I. will. not. stand. for slightly older looking human children.
I look forward to the one about filming underwater being really hard
My, my, hey, hey
And this is how I found out that THAT GUY is Todd Field.
More like “Who’s the unlucky fireman who has to put out this particular dumpster fire?”
I don’t like lingering on pictures of him because his face is like a Leatherface mask made from an albino seal.
I get it if no one else does!
I have it on good authority that everything's better, down where it's wetter, under the sea...
a brief snippet of star Halle Bailey singing
Shocker! I’m starting to think the AVClub’s constant stream of Avatar per-packaged stories, along with their positive review of the new movie, is - uh - being managed by higher forces than mere reader interest.
Coincidentally, all of the seafood was caught in the bay near the United PCP, Inc. factory...
Now you got me imagining Jenga: The Movie
“I guess it’s more fun than Battleship.”
Star Wars is a weird one, in that it always has been and still is hit-and-miss. You never know if the next entry will be amazing, terrible or somewhere in between.
Thought it was pretty obvious from her hit single Rock Me, Ardmoredeus.