Very well put sir. – Boris Claws, Hong Kong, July 2015
Very well put sir. – Boris Claws, Hong Kong, July 2015
Very well put sir. – Boris Claws, Hong Kong, July 2015
Animators do a ton of work, recieve no appreciation or credit beyond their names in 6-pt font and paycheck that ends when the project does. This is how it’s been for decades... and then people complain about live-action adaptations and the poor quality of animated content, as if there were no relation between these…
Shit, was hoping this was for the Matt Groening series. Underrated, that.
He’s not wrong. People are giving Jordan Peele credit for Candy Man too. People will give people they like credit for anything they’ve touched on a whim and people will give people they hate credit for anything they hate to protect the ones they like, too.
Scissor Man will get revenge for Clocktower!
My guess for the next Mathew Perry book excerpt: “Betty White kept trying to give me comedy advice for like, 20 minutes. Finally I had to kick the old broad in the face just to shut her up.”
What kind of world do we live in where someone like Jerry Lee Lewis can be taken from us so soon, yet Matthew Perry continues to walk around in this world?
I was just watching a long play video of Batman Returns on YouTube, and whatever goober was playing the game didn’t use the grappling gun to pull a chunk of wall onto that goon with the taser - just spammed him with baterangs. Why bother?
The SNES game is indeed pretty good. However I grew up with the Genesis game which was...let's just say not as good.
The Batman Forever game on SNES used similar sprites but was, in a word, unplayable. By contrast, Batman Returns on the SNES was one of my favorites - it was a simple beat em up, but the backgrounds were interactive so you could throw goons though benches and windows. They used similar mechanics for the SNES Death and…
Nothing will ever match the Batman Forever arcade game for weirdness. It’s not very good, but I love it for how, well, batshit insane it is. Pure 90s Midway excess.
That game is both a huge blast and a huge grind. I’ve got really, really good memories of playing it for hours on end while I was at uni as stress relief between studying for exams.
Ask me to rate my favorite animators, and I’m rankin Bass pretty high on the list.
They never hang up their spurs because of their kids.
It’s realllllly friggin’ good. I love this weird little world that they’ve created.
Me too! The tone of it kinda reminds of Abbot Elementary despite on the surface being wildly different.
I...agree. I love this show and find myself gravitating toward it when I’m feeling down.
Presumably the actual article was written by PR flacks at Bravo.