
This is clearly an “all hands on deck” type of story. Like 9/11 or Olivia Wilde. 

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Don’t forget “Weight of the World”, that’s an underrated classic. Wouldn’t mind listening to that every day for a few months

Having totalitarian diktats barked at you from loudspeakers 24/7 does become quite comforting when it’s in the voice of Thomas the Tank Engine.

Sex Perm? I thought they shut that place down.

I think the first line in the final confrontation in Batman saying “I’m going to kill you.”

Still better then Lennongrad

Batman just didn’t want Joker to get away. It’s not his fault the building was falling to pieces!

Nicholson prefers it during though.

Yeah, that would be par for the course.

Weird to read a story about Dustin Hoffman preventing sexual harassment 

Yeah but what would be the headline? (rimshot)

 I know two reasons in particular why this movie was popular with guys at the time...

As long as Chris Whicheveroneitwas waves his hand at the tornado and the tornado obeys him, because he waves his hand at it.

No, wait, that’s what happens when you pee into a black hole.

Tangentially related: Paul Dini wrote an excellent graphic novel about how Batman helped him through a brutal near-death experience called Dark Night: A True Batman Story. It’s very good, and could be an excellent companion piece to this book.

spellcheck getting lippy with us about whether we capitalize armageddon

Aryan vs. Predator.

The Harldy Boys in: The Mystery of the Missing Editor

“Walther PPK, 7.65 millimeter. Only three men I know use such a gun. I believe I’ve killed two of them.”

It’s a one film list. It ended in ‘78 with Dr. Loomis looking down from a balcony not knowing where the Hell Michael ran off to.