
“Frasier, couldn’t you have thought of a more civilized, age-appropriate docking mechanic when you commissioned these metallic montrosities?”

Both he and Niles mechs were made by their father as the ultimate police robots and the AI assistant for them was created using the brain wave patterns of Eddie the Dog.

It starts with dummy thicc Velma, but soon enough only a pregnant Sonic the Hedgehog can get your blood up.

“…but one would think that he assassinated President Lincoln for all the continued fuss about what went down in that theater...”

a tremendous self-confidence it mistakes for grace

Nah David O Russell seems like he’s kinda a gigantic dickhead, and also assaulted his transgender niece 

Fuck David O Russell.  Everyone involved in this film should be ashamed for collaborating with this garbage.

No the main character in this movies is named Leggy Mallet 

If it had stopped before the San Diego stuff Lost World would probably be a lot better remembered as most of the Site B stuff has decent enough character arcs that are resolved by that end point.

I have tried watching The Lost World 3 separate times and each time, I cannot make it more than 20 minutes.

Do you know what though? I don’t disagree but despite being totally bonkers nutzo, I do feel that in places it at least feels tonally consistent with the first one? That creates problems in and of itself because that tone isn’t supposed to support this kind of story, but I do think that occasionally The Lost World

I’ve got fondish memories off it while immediately thinking it wasn’t anywhere near as good last the first. Admitted I was 10 when it came out and the 14 the last time I saw it (around the time of III’s release).

The Lost World was a movie I enjoyed the stupidity of (while simultaneously, at the time, ranting about how stupid it was)... but I was 19 when it came out. These days I wouldn’t give a movie like that the time of day, because it just feels like a waste of time: yeah, I’ve seen this before, nothing new here. Which is

Well they don't call it "gym-nice-stics."

It’s a good ‘hangover movie’ - don’t think too hard on the logic and just enjoy the sloppy assemblage of set pieces - but I kind of expect something more from Spielberg. How did that T-Rex kill the entire crew on the boat? Even if it broke free of its pen, it couldn’t get up into the bridge.

Oh boy do I remember how much we hated that damn dinosaur in elementary school in the mid 90s.  It was kind of inexplicable how total it was.  If you wanted to insult or mock someone you said they enjoyed watching Barney or had episodes on tape.  One insanely clever kid made a crude audio mixtape mashing up the

A Star is Torn.

Don’t you fucking dare lump Beavis and Butt-head in with Friends

I’m sorry, but if I’m making a gay men rom com, I’m calling it You’ve Got Male.

There are a lot of bad things on Twitter, and then there is Lucy Lawless herself never missing an opportunity to dunk on her old co-star for the newest dumb thing he said. She’s a national treasure and she’s not even ours!