
I recently shifted to Kaiser Permanente for health insurance and the Washington DC main KP clinic is a few buildings over from the SEC building (near Union Station if you know DC). It was bizarre because while I had heard of the SEC as a concept, it was the first time I actually saw it in reality.

She wasn't the first. Put some respect on Black Christmas.

How great would it be if they built up this entire trilogy and right at the end reveal that lol jk they actually were siblings the whole time

Now playing

Well this list is a great big bowl of fail, for including that idiotic “NOOOOOOOO!” line and omitting this ice-cold bon mot:

Would watch.

one day Belle & Sebastian will play the half-time show and we’ll all don our cardigans and pet our cats in tribute.

How does this keep happening?

I think I’d rather that than Swift.

So you mean a calliope version of “Under Pressure”?

If nothing else, massive kudos to the actors involved

Lost me at “Greyon Chance”. That's not a real person's name. Go back to to Days of Our Lives with that crap.

I wouldn’t Grantham parole either.

I keep telling you he's 73 years old, and he's dead.

Is this what the FCC does when there’s no wardrobe malfunctions to be found?

“I had some pretty wild, trippy experiences from starving myself of sex and food at that time.”

Now playing

And they have to close-up the big scenes due to a shit budget.

The OP makes a big deal about correcting a typo in the article, but while correcting the misspelled word they (deliberately) misspell the word that was originally spelled correctly, presumably for the purposes of comedic irony; essentially, by attempting to show off by correcting the author’s spelling, they (or,

Hlo u FilthyWhore frm 2072! 😮‍💨

Seems like it’s called a huge fail on your part.

Nah.  He made some good ones just after that.  He should have stopped at 25 like DiCaprio.