
The good thing about it being a video is they showed Smith laughing away at his wife’s expense before going up to deliver The Slap. Cracks me up.

Great show but it took me a couple of episodes to get into. At first it seemed a bit mean to laugh at Stath’s idiocy but, as the characters developed, I managed to get over myself.

Sadly you can clearly tell in season 3 that their budget was cut to shit. Midway though the season, the animation suddenly looks a lot choppier and stuttering. It’s like a slideshow almost at times.

In a settlement by the Potomac River, 1764

Despite previous reports it has come to our attention that there is no such thing as Baltimore.

It makes me long for the days of Leonard Pierce completely fabricating reviews.

It’s not like I expect graduate-level calculus skills here, but come on, even Sam “On My Third Liver” Barsanti has to know that 50,000 isn’t half a million.

Australian here:

Even if we’re just talking about me, at most I use about 300 million cells to watch GoT, and that’s out of nearly 40 trillion cells, which isn’t even .001% of me, which rounds down to zero.

It’s probably way more than 25 million since people like to do watch parties for this and they’re not able to account for that.

25 million regular schmoes?  Sure.  25 million people who can afford HBO subs?  Do you not like money?

weird Public Enemy double take reading that.

Gotta be some volume discounts at that level.

My list goes to 11.

They’d already spent their drug budget. Not their fault these guys showed up late. 

I’m gonna guess these were Crack and Meth style drugs dealers and everyone knows a good Hollywood production sticks to Cocaine and Heroin. 

Problem solver!

An operation where the top spot is a tie between 7 million and 5.6 million.

“Where’s my fuckin’ money, Denny?”