Set up a corporation, “hire” yourself, “match” your personal 401k contributions up to 54k. Voila.
Set up a corporation, “hire” yourself, “match” your personal 401k contributions up to 54k. Voila.
And you didn’t even get your fucking 5%, you assholes. You ruined it for everyone and you did it for nothing.
I am likely much older than you, and also leaning on the harder fights of the women who came before me, in the first wave. We will never give up, any of us. Heads high!
I’m with you. I’ve been on Jezebel for years and just registered for an account today because I needed somewhere to express my anger and sadness..and I hope, eventually hope.
Gary Johnson, a Libertarian nominee so baldly ill-equipped to win the presidency that his own VP Bill Weld semi-openl…
But I thought in America you had a right to bare arms...
I’ll show myself out...
Over the holidays, I was eavesdropping on my brother and his friend talking about girls, and my brother has a girlfriend right now, but things are just kinda eh between them. And he said that he’s afraid he won’t find another girl on his same social intelligence level. I actually did a spit take, which sucked because…
I went to undergrad in Fort Collins, the whole 3-unrelated BS was a pure money grab in my opinion. It basically meant that if you have a 3-bedroom and you have a girlfriend that lives with you, you will have a vacant unusable room. That basically just creates artificial demand for extra housing and forces people to…
Hey I’m willing to give anyone commission for selling to wholesale accounts :) Let me know if you’re serious about pounding pavement!
For $10 I will come over to your house, light some cheapo tea candles and spill a lot of wine. You provide the wine.
I own a candle company (with a brick & mortar) that could fall into the “premium” range however this has made me underline and bold my “create luxury line for 2016” item on my To Do List.
These women’s stories: Lillian’s, Joy Mangano’s, Eileen Ford’s, Helen Gurley Brown’s (and others) all fascinate me. They’re such great “against the odds” tales, and so specific to their times. RIP.
Lillian Vernon, creator of the wildly specific Lillian Vernon catalog, has died. She was 88.
supermarket sweep, oh god. i wanted to be on that show SO BAD when i was a kid. (lbr, i STILL want to be on that show.)
Oh you told her that the creepy elf-doll isn't actually watching every thing she does because she was having toddler-panic attacks about it? WELL IMMA TELL HER SANTA ISN'T REAL!! was a pretty damn assy reaction to the whole situation.
I always figured the Santa thing was for the parents, so that the parents give without an expectation of thanks. That’s how we did. Full disclosure: i am terrible at this stuff, and my youngest told us on Christmas day when he was 4 that he didn’t believe in Santa because he had found all the hidden presents. He also…
I do not understand why no one has brought it back yet. It was SO GOOD. Also remember when toys r us did a giveaway every year where you got 5 or ten minutes to run through and fill a cart? The stuff dreams are made of. I want to win that but for anthropologie. Just give me FIVE MINUTES.