
You live in my area. It is absolutely insane, and the 100,000 extra residents don't help after that flood. I am aghast at the $500+ HOA/lot rent fees

I had that jewelry box and loved it forever!!!

Hire me! I will peddle your luxury goods!

Oh dear god yes! I had so many dreams of winning that as a child, every trip to Toys R Us was a chance to case the joint.

You and your beard are my heroes today.

Yes, I too remember when my mother started calling me a bitch. Years later as an adult, when it comes to her, I am a perfectly intractable bitch. Joke’s on you, mom.

...dammit. I was successfully avoiding that show. Was.

Following the directions!?!? Blasphemy! It's like you WANT your product to work!

Following the directions!?!? Blasphemy! It's like you WANT your product to work!

Very true. You also have to afford a second piece of sleeping furniture, even a futon rolled into a closet takes resources.

Thrift store = charity shop. They need to raise donations somehow. You seem to be confusing ‘thrift’ with cheapness.

I know! And it spread so fast! It is truly wonderous. Great Fucks Famine of 2015!

Authors willing, this will become A Thing. Because that's possibly THE greatest thing I've seen on Jezebel.


Yep, it's official, I'm already a little old woman at heart. Can I just skip 20 years to the part with the good woman?

Unconditional basic income would be amazing, just amazing. Let everyone truly start on equal footing.

Filtered, bottled water, purchased to help keep her baby healthy is too much of a stretch? Drunk pours out Dasani, pours in liquor, done.

No. I have a large mesh bag, and wash quality dress pants, pashminas, and knit shirts. This keeps down on pilling and pulling, as there is less friction on the delicate items.

IDGAF about the ice, I care about promoting the use of force on an unwilling dog to an immense audience. Stupid people will use this as a reason to use forceful methods on their dog no matter the breed. Forceful methods that result in confused dogs who bite people, and wind up in shelters to be euthanized.

He forced the dog to lie in the ice, sweeping his legs and pushing him down. Not exactly the sort of behavior that should be promoted towards dogs as a life hack.

Curiousity is asking a similarly-aged girl to lift her shirt and show you her body parts while playing doctor. Criminal violation is attacking your victims in their sleep, because you know its wrong, and they can’t give consent. Multiple, ongoing violations of another person’s autonomy is willful Mental Illness.