That should give you some idea as to what happened to the carbon composite hull, considering they were bonded to the thing.
That should give you some idea as to what happened to the carbon composite hull, considering they were bonded to the thing.
And it will rot in Russia. It has nowhere to go and Russian mechanics can’t even keep their own cars running, let alone a massive yacht. Good luck getting parts.
and there is no way you could inadvertently cross it.
She’s been told (incorrectly) for the past ten years that the borders are “open” and that anyone and everyone can just wander across and immediately be given welfare and some puppies by the US Govt.
What a shame there wasn’t a good guy with a gun there to protect him from that Kentucky thug.
I think part of the problem is that cops are on the “selfish shits” side more often than not. So standing up to these idiots means opposing law enforcement too.
I declare the Marquis of Erin the Sovereign Leader of North America!
This actually makes me happy.
Oh my friend. Between Didulo, Atur Pawlowski, Danielle Smith, the Diagolon idiots, and a significant percentage of the population that voted for the People’s Party of Canada in the last federal election... the crazy is strong up here.
Didulo convinces followers that the current government of Canada is illegitimate to the point that they can stop paying their electricity bills and mortgages.
It’s gone, replaced by the 5Runner!
I’ve always views the 4Runner as a different animal and targeted at a different audience.
The next-cheapest one within any reasonable distance would’ve cost more than this bike plus the work it needs, and it didn’t come with fancy hard cases that I can sell off to recoup some funds
Call me cynical, but the scrappers taking these stolen converters have to know they aren’t coming from the local auto shop because they had a lot of exhaust jobs this week.
Call my cynical, but it seems like an angle grinder with a flap wheel would take care of any etching in all of about 10 seconds.
They’re not that off the mark. Reliability has improved but it’s still a Land Rover which means it’s not going to be at the Japanese level. And the way the Defender was designed means that it’s a lot harder to deal with issues in the field in comparison. That’s why they’re less suitable for overland than previous…
Great. Can’t wait for distracted soccer moms to nearly run me off the road on my bike rides...
I love the Defender 110 and the GX. But only one of them will rarely have to see the dealer for work.
I’m excited to see what the 4Runner version of this platform looks like