Tommis’ und Yanks! Tommis’ und Yanks!
Tommis’ und Yanks! Tommis’ und Yanks!
Beetles look like nazi-era peoples cars.
NP all day long.
Gotta say I agree! I don’t want a Tesla and all other EV’s are either hideously fucking spendy or embarrassing pieces o’ shite.
I prefer to see a new Golden era of powerslides and handbrake turns!
Good grief but there are a lot of “double-down on the wilful misinterpretation of the original post” types here.
Excellent article, peak Jalop!
Too many fuckwits with guns.
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Just as in my own country, it seems Americans have a frustrating propensity to elect representatives to government (at all levels) in a perverse opposition to their own self-interest.
This “simile” between a 1938ish Beetle and 2022 Maverick is tenuous at best, even for someone as beetle obsessed as yourself, Torch.
Thanks for this!
On top of people who drive these fucking things not being able to see beyond their phone, having the drivers position even further vision-compromised seems like a very FREEDOM thing to do.
This thing is so “meh” it should be reviled as the epitome of all that “meh” embodies.
Direct from the fevered imagination of the most diabolically boring cunts you could ever hope not to meet, comes THE vehicle most likely to never see the light of day - even Fisker will happen before this shit-eating malarkey!
The likelihood of an Elon fanboi being fellated in a Tesla or otherwise seems to me to be so remote as be a humorously anecdotal urban myth.
That's hilarious and would have worked a treat - maybe she's incognito?
I would suggest you should be a little less glib in how you refer of others, dead or otherwise.