
The schadenfreude I feel when witnessing this kind of unsurprising shit-show is both strong and sensual.

Ive had a little chuckle as the tone of this piece went from professional journalist objectivity to out and out fanboy!

Go you good thing! The time is now.



But, but...



Really full of it Elon fanboi alert!

F1 does not refuel in-race.

Glickenhaus has repeated that until the endurance test is done it can’t be homologated. I get that point. Nothing unreasonable here.

Do get a grip, cupcake. No one’s forcing you to buy the thing.

Couldn't agree more. 

Watch for the grizzling to go up several notches once Vestappen (or other protagonist) starts winning. Or at least putting pressure on Hamilton. He doesn’t like it - Rosberg demonstrated that perfectly.


Jeebus “Tap-dancing” McChrist!


Man, I think you’ve accidentally landed at Jalopnik - a site that (used to) celebrate cars and car culture in its broadest terms, not the knitting circle it seems you may have been looking for?

The vast majority of gun owners (and I mean VAST, 99.999% at least) will never commit a crime with their gun” - right up until they do.

How about you just wake the fucker up and ask that they leave?