Novelty gimmicks won’t sell? (not that this is a gimmick. Well, sort of not.)
Novelty gimmicks won’t sell? (not that this is a gimmick. Well, sort of not.)
Nobody has been scammed. Americans are fucking morons and should be parted from their money.
I’ve also read this several times and can’t make sense of it. I know each of the individual words, but strung together in this order, it’s gibberish.
the saddest thing is that what a 80 yo person is supposed to do when there are no alternatives to driving, it’s basically impossible to live an autonomous life without a car for most of the country
Still valued at $90 million and can't raise money? Tells you how fucked valuations are.
Full size trucks and SUVs make perfect sense in much of the country.
This makes perfect sense because EVs are only purchased by groomers to transport stolen children to underground pizza parlors where they are forced to listen to drag queen story hour twenty-two hours a day. At age 16, embedded computer chips receive 5G transmissions that activate them as covert antifa mercenary…
Critical infrastructure (water, electricity, internet, rail) should NEVER be for-profit
WTF is wrong with Americans ???
As always, we find out that it’s the girth - not the length - that matters in situations like these.
Fuck you.
Not really actually. I just enjoy pointing out how often sad attempts to look hard and edgy on the internet coincide with a nearly complete inability to articulate thoughts.
There’s a chance it could discourage them. And if they do drive without a DL, they get hit with more crimes and are more likely to spend time behind bars as a result.
Does the rust and tetanus on a dull butterknife count as “chemical”?
Eh, if you take away their license they will either mooch off their friends or keep driving without one and if you put them in prison they are just a drain on tax-payer dollars. But... if you castrate them, either chemically or physically, you have a high tendency to remove most, if not all, of the aggressive urges…
If by “chemically castrated” you mean hung by the neck from the nearest tree until they stop twitching, I completely agree with you. And then a public caning of their parents, for good measure.
Track planners are the ones who ought to be tackling humanity’s well documented bug of being stupid. There ought to be mitigation measures in place to keep the idiot fleshbags off the tracks. Other nations seem to manage it. Admittedly they don’t have to deal with Florida-man, but still...
Just one more idiot with firearms that shouldn’t be allowed a Nerf gun without adult supervision.