What do I want to know?
What do I want to know?
Thats what I was going to say, but not as nicely.
Can you imagine one of these things with a full pro-tourer make over, using a FiST engine, a transaxle and some big fuck-off brakes?
“Before the Merica went really, really, really batshit and was only fairly batshit, back in March, there were still some issues with how America was policed”.
Jeezus cunting christ!
If ignorance is bliss then you must be one happy motherfucker.
Agreed. Ain't this always the way?
Further proof, if you any were needed, that Musk is a self absorbed sook.
This Has to be some pretentious mensa-joke?
Nice looking kit. What is it, I've not seen one before?
Backcto 4chan with you, stupid cunt!
I was a fan of the SCG already, but now more so, simply because of this. These are the actions of decent human beings.
The 351's had lsd’s, that I discovered accidentally on leaving a carwash one day... the neatest pirouette in the middle of Angas st in the city of Adelaide, once it had done 360° it hooked up and away we went.
I saw one being punted like it was stolen at Philip island in a moto gp support race (BEARS - British, European, American Race Series) and it won by nearly a lap in a 6 lap race.
Wrong generation, little fella. But thanks for playing, now off to bed with you.
There’s a very simple reason why we don’t see these things around the tracks.
Back to 4chan with you, little fella.
What sprung to my mind is that there seems to be an endless supply of women who will debase themselves without a moments thought to be inseminated by this evil, crinkly garden gnome.
The mental image your screen name gave me caused more mirth than the picture - thanks for that.