
I thought it was only semi-literate Australian motor writers who insisted on calling tyres “meats”...

Hmmm, now I’m seeing that, too.


I had to flick back to Lew's comment, but now i see what y'all did there... 😉

It will be interesting If this thing gets to compete with the Brabham! Two very cool hypercars.

Good fucking grief!

You guys can open-carry, right? Why not take a pot shot at some cars or spectators, because they are eating your freedom?

Saw them for the first time mid-90s, and three other times since then, most recently mid last year, and they still bring the noise!

The new Katana bike is an ugly thing and should be re-named.

Right on!

You had me at "Camry"...


Yet more proof that these stupid fucking things need to be taxed off the roads.


The Chinese have not had an original thought since the long march. Much easier to steal, lie and obfuscate, all the while wailing that all other nations should not interfere.

Why give these fuckwits any more oxygen?

When I’m king I’m gonna tax the fucking things off the roads. A 50km radius from the CBD ban, and regular psychological testing for all who insist on owning one when they don’t actually need to.

He may not have “wanted you to know”, however this is a deposition, and whether Musk likes it or not, it has “public interest” branded across it in letters of fire.

Nope. It’s a big Camry with leather seats. For wannabees...

Great colour, pointless car.