
Surely you don't believe that Musk wouldn't have been absolutely aware that this transcript would be sourced and published?

Reading that transcript leads me to believe he’s taking the piss.

We = well

I’m sorry, but that gif is so bloody hideous it’s beautiful!


And we have a winner, folks.

Thanks. I wouldn't have guessed otherwise. 

What’s so hilarious about correct spelling, hmm?

Mate, are you taking the piss?

You are wasting your time with this “cepalg” clown - they’ve got their fingers in their ears singing “lalala” whilst wilfully misrepresenting most of what you’ve said.

Yep. And the BDA Escorts. 

BDA Escorts!

“Donald Trump Doesn’t Know Shit About Cars”

Slow news day?

Now - I understand that hybrids are here and EV’s are likely the future of motoring but when I read..

Very sad news this morning (Oz time).

Spot on. This ‘ring fixation has no real meaning to you or I in the real world, stuck in slow moving traffic.

It’s a little fuggly, innit?

“Buttchugging” - Lo fuckin’ L!

Good grief. She may be the spouse of the single most despised person in the world and a clueless automaton, but that is not a reason to body-shame.