
Meh, until I can have full games via cloud I will be impressed. Probably will be incorporated into the next-gen though.

It was an inside job -_-

I'm going to wait a week and pick Skyrim off an avid COD player who bought it because it has OMG draygawnz via craigslist for $30-$40. WIN!

There's no unemployment rate in Azeroth, this "survey" is null and void.

I got an Xbox mid cycle, only game I owned was Halo 2. I still think Halo 2 has the best multiplayer of the series yet. I loved that game. For me, Halo 2 was my Xbox MP game and SOCOM was my PS2 MP game.

The only thing turning me off from Skyrim is the damn combat.. it's like you're hitting air.

"This is where nerds take it too far.."

This is where nerds take it too far..

I'm inspired - to cover my PC in sand.

Robin Hood is real? And excels in computer technology.

It's stupid to hate Call of Duty? Not really, the game was once great and then embarked on a roller coaster of complete and utter bullshit. In essence, from hating Call of Duty one isn't just hating a video game, but a trend and movement on what the video game industry has become.

COD4 was the best COD ever made. After that the series went to shit, WaW sucked, MW2 was a piece of hyped shit, BLOPS was an improvement, but still not a contender to COD4. Sorry but I am completely done with COD, the franchise/game has been ripped apart and put together too many times and it's a piece of broken

I remember getting Nintendo Power, when Nintendo was more relevant.

Sorry Skyrim, I'll pick you up on craigslist for $20 - Battlefield 3 has my attention right meow.

There is Team Deathmatch on Battlefield 3 which is just like the TDM you can find on COD. The only thing I miss from COD is Search and Destroy.

I don't want to go to Sweden, I don't want a Wii or PS3, but $5,000 cash sounds appealing m'yes.

In the end COD will be a good game, but not my game. I have played through all the COD's since COD2, and it will be good because the formula hasn't changed - but this is actually why I don't want to play it. To me, MW3 is going to be the same old thing. I'm burnt out on the COD scene, and Battlefield 3 offers a

Hopefully they can really perfect the Multiplayer this time.

Bird Bird Bird, Bird is the word!
