
Fuck off.. too many devs are exploiting the DLC method of content delivery. The smart/informed people already know how this "scam" works, and it's just a matter of time before the regular gamer catches on. Definitely not a smart business decision to piss of your consumers, Netflix anyone?

blah blah no one cares about Call of Duty anymore. Battlefield 3 is the new FPS. This Call of Duty is little more than an expensive expansion pack. Activision is running the game into the ground like they did with Guitar Hero. You'd think they would care a little bit more about their biggest franchise.

Let's be real guys.. if it's blurry, black and white and looks like a Bigfoot sighting it's FUCKING FAKE.

Class act Gearbox

Have you played the beta? Sounds like you're judging the game off of little tad bits of information you have read. I know hardcore WoW players with multiple 85's that are loving this game. Rift was a joke, Rift was WoW 2.0 and some "dynamic" events that got old quickly - it doesn't have a chance at successful

Troll more please.

Gears of War 3 is irrelevant

Actually this game with maxed video settings looks pretty amazing, better than Rift.

Idk.. I think BF3 has the best MP out right now.

made me lol :D

I bought it for PC on launch day, and while it's a fun game - this game was designed to be played on the console. It feels awkward playing with a mouse and keyboard. Other than that the game was actually pretty cool, but if you're coming in expecting an MMO to compare with the options of a World of Warcraft you'll

Don't even bother to play this on the PC

I never said I condone it. What I did say is the way he said it was not towards gay/lesbian people in a negative way. Therefore, gay/lesbian people should be more mature and stop always acting like the damn victims. If everyone made a big deal about small things like this the world would be more fucked up than it

"And there's somehow a context where you can use the word homo that isn't in an anti-gay fashion?"

Picked up Battlefield 3 for $20 brand new today! WINNNN

Seriously? This is where people GO LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT. Yea he might not have the best use of diction - but he's not using the words in an anti-gay way. He would of been smart to use a better choice of words, but people are too sensitive to stuff that doesn't really matter.

Comment = An Opinion

Article: World of Warcraft Guild Change

Agreed. The masses aren't going to be changing guilds/factions/servers weekly - it would be pointless. Blizz knows how popular WoW is and they incorporate these expensive services, and they even have a bullshit "cash shop" nonetheless. Pretty sad, Fuck WoW.

ugh fuck WoW. $35-$40 for a guild change? Fuck off. So glad I don't play this game anymore..