Fuck off bitch go do something useful with your pathetic life.
Fuck off bitch go do something useful with your pathetic life.
lol pretty awesome mod
If you can't figure our battlefield 3..... go home and take a nap.
Come on guys.. Grand Theft Auto for the Vita is IneVITAble
I'm more excited about the games being released this year than any year of this generation. The PC is getting tons of love... Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3, Counter-Strike etc.
"There's too much piracy on Android" lol.... and yea because there's no piracy on the PC right? The PC is easily the more pirated platform.
That's fine that he doesn't like video games, but keep your ignorant opinions to yourself - unless they are about movies.
lol Call of Duty is such a shitty game.
While comparing the two pictures of display quality - did anyone realize what they were looking at? Walking hamburgers, bananas, and donuts.... with feet. I need to play this game...
lol pretty funny.. man Taco Bell fell off... Del Taco seems like a much stronger fast food chain and has made some smart business decisions.
Vita or wait for the next DS? Hard to pass up nostalgic Nintendo IP's..
Devoting yourself to a single religion and disregarding all others is the epitome of a closed mind. While being educated on multiple religions is quite the opposite.
It's actually pointless and accomplishes nothing.
Because being close minded gets you so far in life. You're entitled to believe whatever you like, after all, "ignorance is bliss".
You can dislike religion - I myself am not a fan - but to say it "sucks ass" is ignorant. You don't have to align yourself with a particular religion, but at the very least be educated on them.
Oh, and where were your concrete details? Right.
Ugh here we go.. fuck these studies that make correlations between video games and real life - if anyone is influenced by a video game or changes their ideals from video game content needs help.. but let me point out a quote from the article, "..this study is far too limited to make any reasonable conclusions about…
What an ignorant statement.
Lol silly Chinese.... you can't fuck with Apple